Grocery Store Trips Together

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The trip to the grocery store was pleasant, and Jason had an endless stream of questions, in the way only children had.

"Where does milk come from?" Jason asked, staring at the dairy case.

"Dick always thought it came from the milk factory," You responded, making sure to grab the coffee creamer as well.

"It doesn't?" Jason sputtered. You blinked


This is the cutest possible timeline. Young Jason and Batmom go to the store, and everything is happy.

Alfred was sick. That was really the only way to describe it. He was sniffling and coughing, and though he tried valiantly to hide it, it was only a matter of time before you found out. His secret was found out the moment that first traitorous sneeze had left Alfred's nose, and then it was bed rest for him, much to his dismay. Truthfully, you couldn't remember the last time he'd had a break. Perhaps it would do him some good.

"Mrs. Wayne," Alfred protested, but you only smiled mischievously, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

"I've already told you, Alfred, I can get the shopping done. Just enough to last us until you start feeling better," You reminded. He moved to argue again, but the effect was lost when he devolved into another coughing fit, sending you rushing to get him more water. By the time it was over, he was far too exhausted to put up more than a token protest, and by then you were already out of the room.

Your long strides slowed as you approached the living room. Bruce was inside, engaged in a staring contest with Dick. That was something that could probably go on for hours, really. Ever since Dick dropped out of college, and there was nothing you could do to soothe them.

"I'm heading out to the store," You stated, your smile only slipping a little when neither responded with more than a grunt, "If anyone wants to come with..."

No reply again. Your smile dropped off your face entirely, and you turned to go to the garage when the sound of small feet caught your attention.

"Ma!" A young voice called. Too accented to be Dick, but still similar enough to make your smile return. Your eyes crinkled at the edges when Jason came into view. He rushed up to you, feet stomping soil across some tacky yet likely ridiculously expensive carpet, and yet your eyes only twinkled with mirth.

"Where're you goin'?" He asked, staring up at you, blue eyes glistening with curiosity. You laughed a little.

"I have to go pick up groceries, but Bruce and Dick are too busy to join me. Would you like to come?" You inquired. Jay made to nod, only to stop, staring at his clothes with a frown.

"I can't. I'm covered in dirt," He mourned, remembering the rule about that sort of thing. You reached down to scoop him up, his surprised laughter ringing through the halls.

"Wanna know a secret?" You asked, mock seriousness. Jason nodded. You smiled again, leaning inwards, "My clothes are dirty too. I think we'll fit together just fine."

And so Jason and you made your way to the garage, Bruce and Dick still engaged in contest. That just meant no one could try and stop you from taking your favorite car. Not the nicest one, of course, but your favorite all the same. A tidy little thing, environmentally friendly, and still boasting enough seating to carry your rapidly growing family. Bruce had a thing about keeping up appearances, so you hardly ever got to drive it around. But he was a little busy at the moment, and Jay had confessed that this one was his favorite too (right next to the Bat-Mobile, of course) so it was the little car you took.

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