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What's an electric boogaloo?Summary:

Previously: Poseidon has zapped Percy into an unknown dumpster. Percy certainly feels as though he has been zapped into a random dumpster. And to end it all off, the commotion has attracted one of Gotham's bats. Tune in for the interesting? meeting of our favorite demigod hero and Nightwing surprise surprise

Nightwing was just finishing up patrol when he heard a commotion in one of Blüdhaven many dodgy alleys. There was a rather loud shuffle that sounded like that one time when he dragged Dami to a ball pit, followed by a loud groan. What sounded like a teenage boy mentioned Hades and Apollo, hey whatever kids are into these days, and also mumbled something about Jason and bricks? As soon as he took the first light step around the corner, the mumbling stopped. He must have been made, which is weird considering the only people he couldn't sneak up on were limited to metas, aliens, and bats. None of which normally roamed Blüdhaven spouting out nonsense about Ancient Greek gods.
Despite the best efforts of the suddenly silent being, a lot of sound could still be heard coming from a dumpster. That's unfortunate, landing in dumpsters is the worst.

"Hello," Dick calls out just as he reaches said dumpster. Inside was what appeared to be a boy in his mid teens, the dark hair and sea blue eyes combo making him fit perfectly in Batman's adopting criteria. When he saw nightwing, Percy instantly sat up, causing him to clutch his head as though it would roll right off his shoulders.
"Here, let me help you out of there, kiddo," Dick offered, scooping up the mucky teen with no effort. He kept hold of the kids shoulders as he set him down, just in case he decided to topple into any more dumpsters. "What are you doing out so late?"

Percy was thankful that the strange guy didn't mention the fact that the demigod was covered in trash. His head hadn't stopped aching and he badly wanted to sleep. blinking adorably a couple of times, reminding Dick of a pre-coffee Tim, he blurted the first thing that came to mind, which was apparently, "catching a train?"
It would be a pretty smart excuse for being out late, if it wasn't for the fact that there weren't any trains around to catch. Percy blames it on subway surfers being the first thing his adhd brain could connect to. At Nightwing's not impressed look, Percy had had enough.
"Look dude, i have no idea who you are or how i got wherever i am, so you can just go back to Comic-Con or wherever you spawned from and leave me to mind my own business," he snapped, sounding more fed up than truly angered.
Now it was Dick's turn to be surprised. How could you be in Blüdhaven and not have at least heard of nighting? And the whole not knowing where you came from? Is this kid high? Something fishy was going on, and it wasn't just because of the weird ocean aroma of the alley.
"You never heard of nightwing?" He exclaimed in fake offence. the kid's blank face indicated no recognition, so he continued, getting a bit worried now. "What about robin? Red hood? Batman?" The last one seemed to get a reaction, but not the one he expected.
"What, like a half bat person? Would that make them a Demi-bat? Are they some kind of monster I should be looking out for?" Nightwing couldn't tell if he's serious or not, but it's clear that the mystery boy did not know of any of the bats, which was nearly impossible. He had to have been living under a rock. Nightwing was starting to think may have bonked his head and muddled his memory. The kid was showing signs of a concussion.

"Look, you don't seem too well, do you have someone i could call to come and get you?" nightwing asked gently.
"Um, thanks sir, but I got my own phone," replied Percy, not knowing what to do about this sudden turn to kindness. Noticing the man was waiting for him to make a call, Percy dialed up his mom. This was the safest bet because Annabeth gets very annoyed whenever she's interrupted by a call in the middle of a monster fight. It's happened a couple of times since she's started staying with her family, and boy did Percy not want a repeat.
The phone dialed for a while, and Percy was starting to worry. Mom normally picked up straight away when he called. But, that worry vanished soon enough as she picked up.
"Yello, Olivia from Subway here, how may I help you?"
And just like that, Percy's hopes went to Tartarus. What did this mean? He double checked, and, yes, this is the right contact. His vision was starting to get blurry, and he blinked as a tear hit the screen of his phone, the display reflecting the light to make it rainbow. He didn't understand. Didn't want to understand.
"Hey, are you..." nightwing trailed off as Percy shook his head and dialed another number. Then another. He dialed them all, even tried to call Chiron's office at camp, but they all were all answered by people he didn't know, if the number was even registered.
"It's, I, it's like they don't even exist," Percy whispered.

Nightwing's mind was racing as he saw what was happening. He wasn't a bat for nothing, and bats were detectives. At first, it seemed the kid may have just been lost and confused, but now it's clear something much bigger is going on. Possibly memory modifiers, or perhaps time travel. It wouldn't be the weirdest thing to happen. It would barely phase him if this were a case of dimension travel.
"Your friends' and family's numbers don't work? And you've never heard of Batman? I hate to break it to you kid, but I think you're very far from home."
The adrenaline that Percy had been running on since he woke in the dumpster finally ran out, and he promptly gave in to the siren call of sleep.

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