Hero over my head(01)

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After they win the second titan war, Percy is in the ocean to visit his dad. Unknown to him, Posiden has heard what the fates have instore for his son and doesn't like it. His solution; send Percy to a different dimension. Where he could be saved from the terrible fate. Percy has no say in this, and having his life uprooted from someone in a position of authority whom he loves and trusts doesn't have the best effect on his already wacc (likely from being hunted by monsters) mental well-being.

Dick was patrolling in bludhaven as nightwing when he heard a crash from a nearby alley. It smelt like the ocean, which was weird for a city that constantly reeked of smog. He went to investigate and heard a faint, "what the hades." It seemed to come from inside a dumpster. "I gone did an Apollo," it continued weakly with a groan.

hello this is my first ever fic so i have no idea what I'm doing, let alone if I'm going to continue this story, mwahahaha!
Very sorry about that tho. My motivation is funky fun fresh and often in phases. I don't know much so if i doin anything that i could do better feel free to inform me, it would be very useful :)
I just really wanted a Percy Jackson dc crossover

Hope y'all are having a wonderful day, enjoy my story <3
also i will try have chapter summaries for the previous chapters somewhere on every new chapter bc the struggle is real when u get a notification that a fic is updated but you don't remember a thing about it.
Idk if any cannon will be followed, its probs an au, I haven't read any comics and will change any cannon the way i like it, deal with it. I haven't seen anything except young justice season 1 and 2 and read some dc fanfics.
Ages for characters:
Dick greyson: 22
Jason: 19
Tim: 17
Percy: 16
Damian: 12
Cass: 18
This story has not been planned nor has it been read over by anyone else. Welcome to a beautiful mess

A week after his sixteenth birthday and the subsequent titan war, Percy thought it would be polite to visit his dad. That's what you were supposed to do with extended family, right? Visit every now and then, chat about 'oh how tall you've grown!' He'd been trying to get the gods to have better relationships with their kids like him, so he thought maybe he and poseidon could start a trend. Tea with celestial beings. It's the least the gods could do.

Meanwhile poseidon fears he has grown attached to the — no, his — boy. He's so brave, and so strong for everyone, and he probably has more sense than all olympians combined when it comes to treating the demigods. Even Athena, and that's a miracle for any offspring of his. And this newfound attachment for his son has led him here. To the fates. And as he enquires about his beloved son's inevitable future, he feels his previously hopeful heart sink into despair. Tartarus, they inform him after his extensive persuasion and pressing for answers. There's no fate worse than to go through that and come out back to reality, to a taunting normal where nobody understands what haunts you. He needs to do something, to prevent this. He can't let it happen, even if it breaks the ancient laws. Anything to keep Percy from that fate. Speaking of the devil, he feels Percy's presence touch into the ocean. It was now or never, no time to second guess.

After yeeting himself into the ocean and waiting semi patiently, tapping his hands on its delicate sandy carpet for no longer than 30 seconds, Percy has resulted in playing subway surfers on his phone, which is perpetually in airplane mode or with a VPN to avoid attracting monsters. He won't drown and neither will his entertainment due to the thin layer of air he encased it in thank you very much. It's only a minute after that when his father arrives, a factor that his adhd is eternally thankful for.
"Hello, son," he greeted, standing regally with his trident in his hand, contrasting nicely with the chill uncle iroh vibes radiating from his Hawaiian shirt and tan shorts combo. His greeting was warmer than Percy expected from someone which he can count on one hand the number of times they've met. It also held an unexpected somber undertone, making Percy cautiously suspicious. He hopes it's not a new quest, he's soo done with quests. Or maybe all his hard work is for nothing and Poseidon is going to turn him down right then and there, and he'll never have him in his life again.
"Yo dad, what's up?" He replies, his worry thick in the ocean's currents as he slips his dry phone into his equally dry pocket under at least 10 meters of definitely not dry water.
There was a long pause, and then, "I'm sorry, Percy, but this is for your own good." That was all Poseidon said before Percy's world vanished with a bubbly transition that would put spongebob to shame to a blindingly blank white. And thus, all he'd known was gone. Poseidon stood alone in the ocean, the only thing left of his first son in forever being the slowly settling sand. grief burnt through him, for his son now gone from this world, but if he were to wait a second longer for goodbyes, he would have been caught by Hera, which would set Percy's terrible fate on course. Poseidon meant it when he said this was for the best.

As Percy's consciousness slowly bubbled to the surface, the first thing he noticed was the smell. "What the hades," he said, although it came out more as a loud groan. This was not what the ocean smelled like, more like someone had tried to replicate the smell of Cerberus' breath as an obnoxious air freshener. It didn't feel like he was in the ocean anymore either, surprise surprise. What it did feel like was if he had taken a brick to the head, like Jason Grace, although he has no idea who that is let alone why he made that spontaneous and serendipitous connection. Percy opened his eyes to find himself in the dim illumination of a busy city at night, obscured by the fact he was probably in a dark alley or something. He was lying with a banana peel comically stuck in his dark, curly hair, with other bits and bobs discarded by humanity poking into his back and butt contributing to the horrid aroma. His once bright orange shirt is now stained with an impressive number of questionable solutions. He was in a dumpster. "I gone did an Apollo," he grumbled to nobody in particular. He thought his brain must be more muddled than he previously diagnosed, because this is the second time he's referenced something yet to happen. Blame it on the demigod dreams. After that spaghetti like line of thought, he heard someone else in his alley. They were obviously good at sneaking around, but being constantly hunted by monsters and his very marginally superior demigod senses (thanks godly blood, ya couldn't make me a little more op could you? It'd be most useful, sincerely, Percy.)
meant that he could tell he was no longer alone. He kept as quiet as you possibly could in a bin littered with loose unknown objects, not wanting to be caught by some sort of monster.
But it was too late for that, for his grumbling that came unfiltered due to a shortage of brain cells that weren't zapped from inter-dimensional travel has already attracted one of Gotham's bats.

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