20 last day of school 2/2

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(Y/n)'s POV
After class you walk with Victor to your next class. You sit with Beverly and all was the same until she made a weird expression.

"Bev, is everything okay?" You tilt your head concerned.

"Um... I think I just started my period..." She shifts in her seat.


"I've never had one before..." She looks at you for help.

"Oh! Oh okay- uh, I have a pad you can use! But you'll have to buy some for yourself later." You get one out and pass it to her like a note

"Thanks..." She takes it and goes to the bathroom.

Class is normal and she comes back and so forth. At the end of class before you separate, you say one last thing.

"We can meet up after last class and I'll give you another."

"O-okay. Thanks again." She says awkwardly.

You get to class with Ben. Nothing really happens. You just talk about what you want to do this summer. He mentions something about spending time at the library. Finally school is out! You say goodbye to Ben and you go to meet Beverly.

"Here! Also I would recommend this brand for when you buy your own."

"Okay thanks! See you later!" She goes off into the bathrooms. ( and we all know how that turned out.)

As you make your way to the exit of the school you pass but the Bowers gang standing by some lockers. Not really waiting for anything, just hanging.

"Have a nice summer boys! See you later!" You wave to them which they returned.

"See you tomorrow, (y/n)!" Patrick waves to you.

"Yep!" You smile back at him.

And you make your way to the diner.

Patrick's POV.
It's finally the end of the day and him and the boys are standing next to some lockers. Just talking about small nothings. Then (y/n) walks by.

"Have a nice summer boys! See you later!" She waves to them and they wave back.

Patrick wanted to see her face one more time for the day.

"See you tomorrow, (y/n)!" He said so she'd turn around.

Which she did as she gave him a smile that made his stomach flutter making him smile like an idiot again.

"Got a date or somethin'?" Belch asked.

"Kinda. Showing her around town!"

Henry and belch rolled their eyes as victor gave him a thumbs up. ( again they have nothing against you, they just don't like that he's getting soft).

"You're getting too soft man!" Henry barked. (See?)

"You're just jealous because no girl likes you!" Patrick stuck his tongue out.

"EXCUSE ME?!-" ( here comes all the angry Henry fans lol)

"Hey look! Here comes the losers." Belch interrupted.

"Yeah, but what about the deal we made?" Victor asked.

Then Patrick realized something that made him smile that famous smile of his.

"(Y/n)'s already gone...".

"There's the Patrick we know!!" Henry smirked.

They wait a little bit after the losers pass before they follow them outside. They watch as they dump out their backpacks in the trash. They walk up behind them as they heard Richie say something about... shitty water? Henry grabs Richie's backpack yanks him back making him crash into Stanley in which they both fall down. Patrick crouches down and picks up the cap that fell off Stanley's head.

"Nice frisbee, flamer." ( hubsmdndsv!!! Butterflies from just writing/typing it!! Ahem...apologies from the author... anyways)

"Give it back!" Stanley tries to reach for it.

The lanky teen only laughs as he stands up and flings it into a window of a moving bus.

"Fuck you, losers!!"

Belch goes up behind Eddie and well, belches in his ear and shoves him forward.

"H-hey! I thought we had a deal!" Eddie says as he gags in disgust.

" really? Cus' I don't see (y/n) anywhere! Do you?" Henry says. Then he shoves past Bill's shoulder. "Loser." He mutters.

"Y-you s-s-s-suck Bowers!!" Bill shouts.

"Shut up, Bill!" Eddie tries to hush him.

The boys stop and slowly turn around.

"...you s-s-s-say something? B-b-b-billy?" Henry mocks his stutter and walks towards him. "You got a free ride this year cus' of your little brother and the deal. Rides over, Denbrough. (Y/n) not always gonna be here either."

He stepped closer to Bill until he looked up and saw his dad watching. He paused.

'Shit...' Patrick thought awkwardly.

Then Henry mumbled to Bill.

"Summers going to be a hurt train. For you and your- (blah blah!!)-Friends." Then he licked his hand and smeared it on Bill's face which made Patrick and Belch snicker.

Then they walked off to meet victor at the car.
Later Patrick is laying in his bed wide awake.

"I can't wait to see (y/n) again tomorrow! I get to be with her a whole day too! I don't think I'll be able to sleep!" Patrick thought as he smiled to himself.

.....he passed out asleep five minutes later.

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