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hey......yeah so i'm not gonna finish the story. i know i hyped it up a lot like "i have so much planned" and "please be patient i'm working on it" but in all honesty i have no intention of finishing this story.

it's hard to keep writing a story i no longer have a connection with, also i passed the age of the characters a while ago and it feels weird to write about characters i am no longer attached to, let alone older than them now...like don't get me wrong i live IT, i love the losers club, it will always be one of my favorite comfort movies, but i no longer have an unhealthy obsession with the bowers gang. like, they teenagers...and i no longer have a mindset where i'm attracted to that.

so i'm sorry to have you wait for so long. but i did have notes and ideas to where i wanted this story to go, so i'll just leave those here and you can let your imagination fill in the rest.

-she was going to continue having nightmares and seeing pennywise. she would soon connect the losers about it. she tried to tell the bowers gang about it but they didn't believe her. patrick didn't believe her but he supported her ig cus he obsessed with her.

-at some point she told her grandparents about it and they got concerned and sent her to a psychiatrist.

-she would really be on edge and at point i was gonna make a scene where she beat the shit out of greta.

-i think there was gonna be a scene where patrick accidentally hurt her and was gonna be this whole thing.

-to prove to people she wasn't going insane she went with a camera to try and get proof? idk she was gonna go missing, and then patrick saw pennywise and was like "oh shit she was right" and went with the losers to look for her, and then he got separated and i wrote this whole seen where patrick was in the sewers and pennywise was playing tricks on him, there was something of a fake (y/n) and she crumbled into leaches. then he found the real her and she was already dead. then pennywise attacked him and patrick's last words were like "go fuck yourself you clown ass mother—"

but yeah. they both died in the end.

okay bye.....thanks for this era of my life....✌️😗

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