28. Pancakes

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You closed your eyes, calming down. You glanced at the clock; almost 8 in the morning. You settled back down into your pillow and turned on your side facing Patrick, who was sleeping on his stomach with his limbs slightly sprawled. You ran your fingers through Patrick's dark hair and then poked his cheek.

   "Patrick?" You poked his cheek again.

   Patrick took a long deep breath waking up. "Hmm?"

   "You should get going soon..."

He took another deep breath and grunted as he stretched his lanky body.

   "Mmh, yep. Okay. Alright...how'd you sleep?" He said in a groggy tone, propping his elbow on a pillow and resting his chin in his hand.

   You fiddled with your fingers, thinking back to that horrid dream.  


"I made pancakes—oh!" Your grandma opened the door but slightly froze when she saw Patrick. "...Well good morning Patrick..." she said awkwardly.

   You and Patrick quickly sat up.

   "Grandma!! Wait! It's not what you think—nothing happened! He was just too tired when we got back! So I said he could—"

   Your grandma just laughed folding her arms. "Relax! Calm down, geez! You're not in trouble. I may be old but my hearing hasn't gone yet! I would have heard you last night if anything happened..."

   Your face turned red at what she meant by "heard you".

   "Well anyways I made pancakes! Now your grandfather may still be asleep but I don't think Patrick should go downstairs. Bring some up for him! Just be sure your grandfather doesn't see him alright?" She winked as she turned around to leave.

   "...right. Thanks grandma." You were  slightly concerned as to how okay your grandma was to finding a boy in your bed.

   As she starts to leave she pauses and then turns over her shoulder.

   "...when you got back?" She smirked.

   realizing that you just exposed yourself, "Well I just-"

   She shook her head and just chuckled as she closed the door behind her.
   You sat back down into your pillow letting out a sigh.

   "Well th-"

"Oh and one more thing-" she quickly opened the door again.

   "Oh my god grandma, What?" You put your face in your hands annoyed with a smile.

   "Patrick," she looked at him.

He looked up in response.

   "If you ever hurt my granddaughter-" her eyes became dull just for a moment. "I'll have your head mounted on my wall." annnnd there's the protective side.

Patrick froze at this sudden threat. "I-uh-"


Her face brightened up again. "Well! I'm off to work! You kids have fun!" And she quickly went out the door with a smile.

You both sat for a moment in silence. You were about to say something but then Patrick plopped back onto his back chuckling as he put his hand over his eyes.

   "I like your grandma. She seems fun." He parted his fingers so he could look at you.

   "Yeah...so do you want some pancakes?" You said as you started to get up.


"Okay... I'll be right back."

   You walked downstairs and into the kitchen. You grabbed a plate and when you were about to take some pancakes you realize you didn't ask Patrick how many he wanted.

   '...he's too skinny anyways. Needs to eat more.' You thought as you put six on the plate.

You added some for yourself and started eating one as you headed up the stairs. You walked down the upstairs hallway and slowed your pace as you came to the bathroom. You paused as you looked into the unlit bathroom, thinking back to the dream. You stayed still for a moment before you felt a presence come up behind you.

   "Morning sweetie-"

You flinched as you turned to see your grandpa. "Oh-morning!"

   Your grandpa looked down at your plate with a questionable amount of pancakes and looked back at you.

   "Uhh, the...pancakes are kinda thin so..."

   He nodded without care and turned to head down the stairs.

You continue back to your room and closed the door behind you. You sat with one leg on side of the bed and placed the plate down.

"Thanks."  "Mhm!"

You took another as Patrick took one and rolled it and ate it within two bites. You quietly chatted as you would take some clothes and hold them against you and glance over at Patrick who was watching as he ate his pancakes. He either nodded or shook his head when you held up certain pieces of clothing and you would either put it back or onto the bed.
   Making plans for today, you decided that you wanted to take another go at the arcade so you agreed to meet up with him and the boys later.

   "Alright I'll see you then!" You grabbed the empty plate to take it back downstairs.

   "Mm, wait." Patrick got up and gently grabbed you turning you around.

   You stood close together as he sweetly held your hands. He leaned his head down and softly kiss your forehead. You closed your eyes as he did. The you pressed on your toes to stand taller and kissed his lips which made him grin.

   "Mkay... I'll see you around." You cleared your throat as you turned and walked out the room.

Patrick's POV

   He smiled as he watched you leave the room. Then he heard tires screech on the road turning a corner. Knowing the familiar sound of the engine he walked to the window and poked his head out.

   "Those idiots..." he chuckled as he shook his head.

   Belch's blue car rolled up onto the side of the curb and made a stop just a little ways from your house not to be seen outside of front windows. 
   He climbed out the window with a little more ease than last time since he's gotten a little familiar with this one now.
   "Ow owwww!!~" the boys made dog howls as victory noises for their friend as he climbed off the roof and down the tree.

   "There his is! The lucky guy of the night!" Henry smirked as Patrick got into the car.

   "So...?" Belch said as he drove off.

   Patrick glanced at Victor who wiggled his eyebrows.

   "Fuck off! Nothing happened I was just too tired to walk home so she let me crash."  He pushed Victors face away with a chuckle.


"Psh! You lazy ass..." Henry rolled his eyes.

   "But we did make plans for all of us to go to the arcade later so you guys up for it?"

   "Yeah sounds good."




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