7 Lunch

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After PE you went with Bill and Richie to meet up with Stanley and Eddie. It's lunchtime.

"W-want to eat w-w-with us?"

"Yeah sure!"

You guys head to the cafeteria and dish up your trays. You find a table to sit at.

Patrick's POV
Patrick met up with the boys and sat at the cafeteria stairs like always.

"Dude, she's made friends with the Losers." Henry was telling about PE as he carved his pocketknife into the stair railing. "Also Beverly was telling her about us this morning. You heard that right?"

Patrick nodded in response glancing over to where you were sitting. With a certain group of losers he tortured. After a moment he decided on this. "Alright I know you'll hate this, but if you see (y/n), or even feel like she might be around, keep the bully shit to the minimum."

"You fucking serious??" Belch chucked an apple core into a nearby trash.

"Meh." Victor didn't really say anything cus it didn't really matter to him.

"And what if I don't agree with what you say goes?"(Don't get me wrong, Henry has nothing against you but when it affects his lifestyle,nah) Henry started to stand up but Patrick stood up twice as fast.

Patrick towered over Henry staring Him down. They stood silent until Henry jerked his head to the side, breaking the eye contact. They sat back down like nothing happened. The Bowers gang knew that Patrick could take control real easy if he wanted to. He just didn't care for making decisions. Up until now that is.

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