31. Separated

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You, Bill, Richie and Eddie walked through the door and into the dark house. There was dirt and leaves covering the floor. Big dust particles in the air. Cobwebs hung everywhere as well as cracks along all the floors and walls.
   "I can't believe I pulled the short straw..." Richie whined. "You guys are lucky we're not measuring dicks."
   "Shut up, Richie..." Eddie mumbled. "Ugh I can smell it." He scrunched his nose as his eyebrows lifted.

   "Don't breathe through your mouth..." Richie glances over.

   "How come?"

"Because then you're eating it." He said bluntly.

   Eddie's eyes widened before rolling them back in disgust "hulgh!!" He gagged as he quickly took out his inhaler and used it a few times.

   "Nice going Richie..." You spoke sarcastically, Looking around the ominous room.

   As you were looking around, Richie noticed a large piece of paper tangled in a large bundle of cobwebs. He slowly walked over to it and took it out. Whatever was on it made his hands start to shake as he held it.

   "What?" Bill asked as he started to step to him.

   Richie began to blink a lot, A symptom of panic. He swallowed a lump as he spoke. "It...it says I'm missing."

   "What??" You all stepped closer and saw that it was a missing poster.

   Bill quickly stepped to his side and tried to take the paper. "Y-y-you're not missing, Richie-"

   Richie kept frantically moving it so bill couldn't take the paper. He read it out loud. " police department, city of Derry, that's my shirt. That's my hair. That's my face!-"

   Bill tried to get a hold of him. "Calm down, this isn't real-"

   "-that's my name! That's my age! That's the date!"

   You and Eddie watched from farther behind. Eddie's eyes widened as he watched Richie breaking down.

   "...(Y/n)?" He nervously looked up at you. He wrapped around your arm in comfort. You placed a hand on the side of his head.

   "I-it can't be real, Richie! Richie!"

" no it says! What the fuck?! -Am I missing?? -Am I gonna go missing??"

   "Calm down, calm down! Look at me, Richie look at me!" Richie tried to stop panicking as he looked at bill. "Th-that isn't real. It's playing tricks on you..."

   Just then, a voice echoed throughout the house.
They all looked up. The voice spoke again.
     "Hello? Help me please!"

    Each of you silently looked at each other before inching the way upstairs. You reached the top and turned to the side where a door was open and some thing at the bottom of the door frame crawled interview. There was a girl with her clothed all ripped. She had dirt in blood all over. She coughed and gagged as she breathed for air. All four of you stood staring at her in shock. Too scared to go up to her.

   "Is that...?" You looked at them.

"B-Betty?" Bill mumbled.

   "Ripsom...." Richie continued.

    They were about to step to her but suddenly something harshly pulled her back and she disappeared with a scream. You all jumped and froze for a moment before you continued and inched towards the door. Bill and Richie were in front while Eddie was behind You.  Everything was eerie quiet as the only sounds where their footsteps and the wind blowing through the cracks in the walls.
    As You followed Bill and Richie, a sudden click came from the wall next to you. You quickly paused and looked to see a door. You stepped to it and grabbed the door handle. It was warm-not hot, just warm enough like if someone else had been holding it. You slowly turned the knob and the door cracked open. The door quietly squeaked as you pushed it more and walked in. The room was completely empty. No furniture or picture frames or anything. No windows whatsoever.
    You walked to the middle of the room and slowly looked around. Then, you heard a scream from the halls coming from Eddie.

    "Guys! Guys!!" You heard his footsteps quickly running.

    You turned to leave the room but the door quickly shut loudly. Your eyes widened as you harshly grabbed onto the handle trying to get the door open.

    "Eddie!!" You shouted to him. You could hear the other boys yelling as well.

    "(Y/n)! Let me in!!" Eddie panicked as he pounded on the door.

    "I'm trying!-"

Just then you heard a loud crashing sound along with Eddie holler, "what the fuuuck???"

    "Eddie! I'm coming hold on!" You frantically gripped the handle and placed a foot on the wall as you yanked and pulled on the door.

    You tried and struggled until the handle broke off and into your hand, causing you to stumble back onto the floor. You heard another crash as you immediately got back up and ran to the door. It still wouldn't budge. You bent down and looked through the hole where the door knob had previously been. You could no longer see Eddie.

    "Eddie! Eddie where are you?? Richie! Bill!" You shouted out to them.

    "(Y/n)! Eddie!" They responded, but none from Eddie.

    " guys come back! I'm stuck in this room and something happens to Eddie!" You screamed.

    You continued to push and pull and jumped as Bill and Richie also continued to yell as well.
    Soon the yelling became only one-sided. You couldn't hear them as closely anymore. You stopped pounding so you could hear better.

   "Gu...guys?" No response. "Bill? Richie?- Where'd you go?" It was only a quiet for a moment more before a door loudly slammed and you flinched. And the yelling came back. Richie and bill were now yelling at each other.

    "Guys what happened??" It sounded like Bill and Richie also got separated.

    "Richie! Richie!" Bill yelled.
"Bill come on open the door!"

    The yelling stopped once again and for a few moments you could only hear Bill.

    "Bill?...billy where's Richie??" You tried to call out again.

     Just then you heard a loud voice crack of a holler from Richie followed by a slammed door.

     " Richie are you OK what's happening?!" All the attempts to try to connect with them they would not answer. For some reason they couldn't hear you. Then there was another door slam along with the boys yelling again.

    "Let's get outta here!!" You heard Richie yell.

    " yes! Please! Get me out of here! We need to find Eddie!" You quickly responded, smacking your palm on the door.

    You didn't hear any response. There was no movement on the other side of the door.

    " hello?? Guys, where are you?"

After a moment, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you heard the sound of bells jingling, followed by giggling.

    "B...Bill? Richie? Is that you?"

Hellooooo my lovelies! Just a little note for the future: I was reading over what I had previously wrote and realized that my story does not completely add up to the actual timeline :/. Sooo it's still gonna be in order, but instead of having the timeline of things be between days, just stretch it a bit longer so that my story can make sense 😅 k thanks hope you liked this chapter bye.

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