2 a group of boys

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Patrick's POV.
Patrick was standing with the boys silently smiling as he watched Belch and Vic argue about what to do instead of class. Henry was leaning on the Lockers just being moody again. All was normal until he felt someone tap a finger in the middle of his back disrupting him. He furrows his eyebrows and turned to see who he needs to scare off.
  "Who the fu-" he stopped and looked down at a small girl in front of him. A face he didn't recognize. Now usually this is the part where he gets all handsy and flirtatious. But for some odd reason he felt not to.
" oh. Uh...hi?"

"Uh-um I'm sorry to bother you guys but- do you think you can help me with where my classes are...please?" She held out a piece of paper. Patrick took it.

He studied it until his mouth formed a smile. And for once it wasn't a creepy one. "Sure. English. That's where Henry and I  are headed right now!" He motioned with his thumb to behind him. He smiled, handing the paper back to her.

"Excuse me the fuck??" Henry popped his head out from behind Hockstetter.

"What do you mean? You never go to that cla-" Belch started something but was cut of by Patrick.

Patrick without even looking put his entire hand on belch's face as if to say: shush. "We'll walk you there."

The girl's face lit up. "Ah- thank you!" She flashed a bright smile.

Patrick's curiosity perked up even more. "Belch and victor: we'll meet you guys later." He introduced them as they departed. And off you went with the kind boys to your class.

Sickening Perfection (Patrick Hockstetter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now