12 Walking to class

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The next morning was pretty simple. You wake up and do your regular morning routine. Whatever that may be. Your grandma drives you to school on her way to work. (At the end of the day you walk home because she is not off work yet, but because you stayed out later yesterday she was already home.) the car ride was pretty normal. Just talking about the school and the teachers and students, Complaining about the food, telling her about the catch-up work, stuff like that. She pulls up to the school curb. You look out the window to see anyone you know and notice Beverly sitting under a tree.

"Beverly!" You roll down your window and call her over.

She stands up and jogs over.

"Nana, this is the girl I was talking about yesterday. Beverly!"

"Nice to meet you, Mrs-"

"Oh please! Just call me Jeanie!" Your nana flicks her hand as a small wave gesture.

"-Jeanie! It's nice to meet you Jeanie!" Beverly finishes her sentence. "Well, (y/n) and I should get inside. The bell should be ringing soon!"

You step out of the car with your bag. "Bye Nana!" You wave through the window as you shut the door.

"Alright dears! Have a nice day at school!" She blows a kiss and drives away.

The two of you started walking across the schoolyard. Beverly leans in with hushed voice.

"So...what happened when you hung out with the Bowers gang?" Her tone was not the happiest since you've ignored her warnings.

"Hey how'd you know about that?" You gave her a confused smile.

"(Y/n)... you literally got into Belch's car after school yesterday. It's not exactly a secret." she gave you a blank stare.

"Oh! Right...heh." You slightly laughed at your dumb question. "It was fine! We hung out at Henry's and just sat and talked in his backyard."

"That's all? They didn't...pressure you into anything did they? Because if they did I swear-" Beverly asked very protective over her new friend.

"No! Honestly Beverly, they just offered me a beer, and they didn't get offended when I said no. They just moved on. They're actually really chill." You slightly rolled your eyes as you walked up the steps.

"But that doesn't sound like them at all!" Beverly tightens her grip on the books that didn't fit in her bag. "They have to be up to something (y/n) because-"

"Why do you always act like they are horrible people?? Is it that hard to imagine that they just want to be my friends?" You huffed as you let the door close behind you making Bev catch it for herself.

"No! I mean- you don't even know how they really are (y/n)!" She swung the door open making sure to keep up with you.

"And how would that be?" You turned to her at a stop as you stood in front of your classroom.

"(Y/n)... they're monsters. They terrorize smaller students just for fun. They bug and bother any girl they seem pretty in the face. They are nothing but bullies." Beverly keeps eye contact with you.

She won't drop this bully thing. Yes, you hate people who think they are better. People who pick on the small to seem big. But you couldn't imagine your new friends to be such horrible people. Especially Patrick-

Wait what? Why especially Patrick?

You interrupted your own thoughts.

"Look... I hate bullying. More than anything. But, they are kind and treat me like a friend. Nothing but regular people to me. So I have yet to see the side which you say is true." You break the contact as you walk through the door and make your way to your seat.

Beverly looked down. Knowing she is right. Seeing how much you seem to care, she almost wished you wouldn't find out the truth. Not wanting to see you get hurt.

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