1 Help from a redhead

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The day started out normal for (y/n). Except for the part where she was starting in completely new school in a completely new town. Yep. Just a normal day. Nothing bad could come from this. Right? Let's not worry about that for now. Let's just focus on getting into the school first.

(Y/n)'s POV.
Ok. I'm here. Derry's school. Meh, doesn't look too scary right?
She looks at the towering building ahead of her.
Oh my word it is entirely scary! I've never been so scared of a building in my life... pull yourself together woman! It's just a pile of bricks!

While (y/n) was speaking with herself, she didn't notice the ginger that was walking up behind her.

"Sooo are you just gonna stare at it or are you going to go in?" The voice behind her spoke.

"Oh! Uh sorry! Kinda just building up the courage to heh..." you gave a meek smile.

The girl lightly laughed. "Don't worry, after a day you won't be new. You'll mold right in with the rest of the clay. Unless of course you do something to draw attention."

"What do you mean?"

"Just be careful who you choose to talk to. Come on. Let's get you to the office. I'm Beverly!" Beverly took you by the wrist and guided you into the school.

"I-I'm (y/n)!"

You step into the office. Beverly turns to you.

"Well, here's where our meet ends. Wish I could find your class but I can't be late to another one of mine! See you around. You know where to find me if you need me!" And with that she disappeared into the hall of students.

"Wait what? What do you mean I know where?? I literally just met- oh never mind..." (y/n) shook her head with a chuckle. She turned to the counter. " (y/n) (L/n). I need my schedule..?"

After getting her schedule, the lady spoke not looking up from her paperwork. " just ask someone for directions..."

"Oh thank you-" a bell rang through the halls

" that's the warning bell. You got five minutes. Find your class or you'll be late." The lady grumbled. Waving the girl away with her hand.

You walked out the door.
Well she wasn't that helpful...
you take a sigh and look at your paper.
Okay... now I just need to ask someone to-
You look up to see literally no one. The hall was empty. Everyone was already in their class.
Oh shoot!
You look around for anyone in site until you see a group of boys halfway down the hall. One of them had a mullet, a boy with bleached hair, one on the larger side, and a tall lanky one with raven hair.
They look friendly... I think?
You quietly made your way to the four boys.

Sickening Perfection (Patrick Hockstetter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now