15 Beverly's blessing.

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The class was over and everyone was gathering their stuff. Of course, Henry has already disappeared into the hall. Patrick waited a moment before following after the girls. He weaved through some students and caught up to them.

"Morning!" Patrick popped over to the right side of (y/n).

"Patrick! Good morning! Wh-"
     (y/n) paused when she noticed something different. Since he was so close at this moment, she could tell that something changed from yesterday.
    "Are you wearing cologne? It smells nice!" she tilted her head to get another whiff.

Now of course this was just a simple little thing but a light shade of pink crawled onto Patrick's face. He used his tallness and looked up so she couldn't see his face.

"O-oh! Yeah my mom wanted me to start wearing it more..." liar.

"Well it works for you!" She responded.

'Well that settles it. I'm wearing cologne everyday until I die.' Patrick smiles to himself.

"You think so-" Patrick asked until Beverly interrupted.

"What do you want Patrick? Why are you following us?" Beverly squinted her eyes.

"Uh, I need to tell Belch something. Yes! So since we are going the same way I thought I could walk with you!" He made an excuse right on spot.

"Oh well that's nice!" (Y/n) raised her eyebrows to Beverly as if to say: don't be rude.

Beverly rolled her eyes and they kept walking. They got to (y/n)'s next class and Belch had also just reached the room and was about to enter.

"Good morning, Belch!" (Y/n) chirped.

"Morning-hm?" Belch noticed that Patrick was also with them.

"Patrick wanted to say something to you. Isn't that right, Hockstetter?" Beverly glanced up at him.

"Oh right. Uh.... hi Belch." Was all Patrick said.

Belch stood there completely confused before entering the classroom. "Uh...hey?"

"Well! See you two later!" (Y/n) also left entering the room.

"See ya!" Patrick gave a short wave.

Beverly turned and started walking to her class when Patrick continued to follow her. He grabbed her arm to catch up with her.

"What the hell do you want, Hockstetter??" She yanked her arm to get his off.

"I just want to talk! About (y/n). He looked down.

"Oh no no no! (Y/n) is my friend! And I'm not going to let you ruin her innocence (assumed innocence) with your nasty intentions!-"

"No! It's not like that! I don't want to ruin her in any way! I care about her and want to be around her more. I have no intentions of hurting her in any way! I promise. But I need you to let me. Cause it will be a hell of a lot easier if you didn't guard her like a pit bull. Beverly please." Patrick stared down at the red head. Oh shit he said please!

Beverly glared at him saying nothing. Patrick awaited her answer. "...if you hurt her in any little way I swear I will rip-"

"Yeah yeah yeah! You'll kill me. So do you agree?" Patrick dismissed her empty threats.

"...fine." Beverly walked into her classroom and slammed the door behind her.

Sickening Perfection (Patrick Hockstetter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now