33. Mrs.K

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     It was dark and everything had an uneasy aura to it. But Patrick didn't even pay attention to anything. He was quickly running up the stairs, following the screams.
    He soon came to a door in the middle of a dark hallway where the screams were right on the other side.
    He quickly crouched down and looked through the door hole from a missing doorknob.
    There, sat (Y/n), curled up on the floor in the middle of an empty dusty room crying and screaming.
    "(Y/n)!" Patrick called for her as he pushed against the door but it didn't budge. He started slamming his side into the door.

    You immediately looked up. "Patrick!!" You quickly got up. "Patrick, the door is stuck—"

    Before you could finish your words, within seconds Patrick fully stood up and slammed his foot flat and hard against the door. The old wood cracked before breaking off the hinges and crumbled to the floor. You flinched from the sudden burst. As you looked back you saw Patrick standing in the now broken doorway, hair in his face and breathing heavily from adrenaline. " Come on." He said quickly as he stretched his arm out as a gesture for you to take it.

    You took a small step but immediately stopped. Your eyes dashed around the room. It was back to normal. There was no trace of the blood ever being there.

    "(Y/n)" Patrick spoke again. You quickly look back at him before you throw yourself at him into a hug, tears streaming down her face.

Patrick stood there confused, but wrapped his arms completely around you and held you tight. "(Y/n), what the fuck are you doing in this hell house??"

"I-I don't know! I saw my friends run over here and they were all yelling, then we pulled sticks, and I came in and it just happened all so fast I didn't even take time to think! We saw this girl! And something pulled her away! And then the door locked and something happened to eddie!! And- and then there was this bell— and then blood started pouring out of it and it covered the room—" you continued to sob into him.

Patrick could barely understand what you were trying to describe. He gently grabbed your shoulders to pull you away so he could lean down and look at you "Hey. Hey you're okay. Let's just get out of here okay?"

You frustratedly wiped your tears away as you sniffed. "Yeah...please."

You both exited the house and onto the front porch. The rest of the Bowers gang had started quite a physical argument with the losers club. Henry had pinned Bill and was repeatedly slamming him down on the ground while Belch held Richie by the collar of his shirt and was yanking him around. Beverly stood tall with Eddie behind her as victor tried to confront him. Mike was trying to tend to Ben by putting pressure on his stomach and Stanley was frantically trying to call Eddie's mother.

"What the fuck did you drag (Y/n) into?! Huh?? Answer me!!" Henry screamed in Bill's face.
   "Get off m-me!!" He struggled.

"What kind of shit did you losers do in there?!" Belch slightly lifted Richie off the ground.
    "Jesus fuck!!"

"How the fuck you do this to your arm?? And what happened to the hippo??" Victor furrowed his eyebrows as he stepped closer to them.
    "Stay away from him!!" Beverly yelled (mama bear mode).
  "Ben, hold still!" Mike yelled.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP IM ON THE PHONE!!" Stanley screamed as his voice cracked. Plugging one of his ears to hear better.

   "What the hell-stop! Let go of him!" You ran off the porch and pushed Belch away from Richie. Then quickly ran to Henry and tried to shove him off of Bill. "Henry, get off him!!" You frustratedly yelled, tears still hung in your eyes.

"(Y/n) what happened to you?" "What did they do in that house??"

"They didn't do anything! I chose to follow them in there! I wasn't forced to do anything!" You helped Bill up and brushed the dirt off his back.

    "What the hell happened in there?" Patrick asked seriously.

"A lot happened in there I don't even know where to—" you then looked over and saw Eddie with his completely messed up arm. "Oh my god, Eddie!! What happened to you??" You quickly walked over to him. Victor quickly stepped to the side out of your way. As you were examining Eddie's arm you looked over at Ben, who's stomach had huge tear marks in it. "And Ben!! You then walked over to him too.
   "I-I'm alright. It's not that bad-" Ben said quietly, trying to put on a brave face.

"Dude like hell you are!" Mike continued to hold pressure on him.

"EVERYONE SHUSH!!!" Stanley yelled as he violently waved his arm down in a silencing motion. " H-hello, Mrs.Kasparak?"

"OH GOD..." everyone turned to Eddie as he spoke with the most dreadful voice crack.

In barely 10 minutes Mrs.Kasprak showed up and when she saw Eddie she was hysterical. Immediately freaking out, yelling and rushing to grab him. Pulling him to the car.

"You did this to him! You know how delicate he is!!" She practically shoved him into the passenger seat. Eddie was completely in pain and humiliation.

    When she closed his door the car keys fell out of her hands and onto the ground. Beverly stepped forward.

"Here let me help you-" she tried to be polite and pick them up for her.

Mrs.K quickly shoved her hand in front of her. "No-GET BACK!" She snatched the keys off the ground and stood to look at Beverly. "Oh I've heard about you, Miss Marsh. And I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son." She sneered.

"And you!" She whipped her head to you. She looked her up and down. "Eddie spoke so highly of you. Saying that you were caring. Clearly he can't pick the good from the bad from his own friends. You seem nothing more than a-" she quickly paused.

    Patrick stood directly behind you, as did the rest of the Bowers gang.  Sending nothing but death glares to Mrs.K. Most likely thinking something along the lines of "go ahead...finish that sentence."

Eddie's mother pressed her lips together. Before quickly turning back to her car fumbling with her keys again. "You are all monsters!" She practically ran to the driver's door and drove off.

They all stood there watching the car drive away.
     Then you turned around and faced the gang. "Guys...I don't think I want to go to the arcade anymore. I'm sorry..." you spoke softly.

    They all shook their heads in understanding.

"No! No! That's fine!"
   "We totally get that!"
"Some other time yeah?"

Patrick put his hands on your shoulders. "Do you want us to take you home?"

You took a deep breath before sadly sighing. "...please." You tapped your forehead against his chest. He hugged you as they led you to the car.

    "W-Wait (Y/n)-" Bill tried to step to you.

Henry and Belch immediately turned around and blocked him. While Patrick held you closely as he and Vic continued to walk you to the car.

Henry grabbed him by the shirt. "Woah..." he harshly pulled him up. "She said she's going home."

    "(Y/n)! We're sorry! We-" Richie also tried to speak. 

You reluctantly turned around. "Look, Guys!...I don't know what that even was in there," you pointed to the house. "But- I want nothing to do with it!"

"Wait, you saw something too??" Richie raised his voice.

    "What did you see?" Beverly asked.

You took a breath in before you closed your eyes and shook your head. "No...no I don't want to talk about it." You turned back around as Patrick opened your car door.

    "N-no, (Y/n)! Please! Th-this is imp-p-portant!" Bill called to you.

You ignored them as the door was closed. The rest of the Bowes gang also got in before they sped off to take you home.

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