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This is not a chapter! This is the dream I had!

I was sitting in the bus stop at the end of my road to be pick up by the bus to go to school like usual. Then a familiar blue trans am sped passed. I didn't realize why it was familiar until it suddenly took a screeching U-turn and drove back my way and I could see who was in it. The Bowers gang (minus Vic :(
   They drove up and pulled the car right in front of me making dust from the gravel road. Then they rolled down the windows.

  "Hey doll! What ya up to?" Patrick called from his window in the backseat.

Now usually I wish I would have been smooth and shit but in reality I'm completely and utterly awkward.

"Uhm, just waiting for the bus for school..."

Then Henry stood up with his upper body out the window and rested his arms on the top of the car.

   "Haha nahhh! You're gonna come hang with us!"

"Well you see- I cant cus I gotta-"

His smile faded impatiently. "I said get in the fucking car."

Next thing I know I'm sitting in the backseat with my hands between my knees and I was probably trembling with awkward fear. Because this ain't like no fanfic, this was legit the Bowers gang that terrorizes people!
   I guess I was sitting on the edge of the seat because Patrick pushed my shoulder for me to sit back.
"Might as well get comfortable cus you ain't going anytime soon." He chuckled.

We drove off and headed into town. Now I live in a pretty small town so I was just praying that no one my family knew saw me skipping!
   It was quiet for a few minutes before Henry spoke up.
"So what should we do?"

Then Belch smiled and started chuckling "we should fill a hose with acid and spray her with it and watch her melt!!!"

First of all, what the fuck??? Second of all Belch what the fuck?!??

I frantically started panicking and stuttering and not gonna lie I probably started to tear up.

"No no no- we should not do that!!-please don't-" I turned my face into the seat to "hide".

They all just stared at me shocked.

"Dude it was a fucking joke..." Henry looked back from the passenger seat.

   "Yeah, I-I was just joking."

"Oh..." I started to calm down and wipe the hair from my face.

   "Hey...we're not going to hurt you, okay?" Patrick smiled and put his hand on my leg (not in a pervy way but in a comforting way)


Moving on from that

   "So...where's Victor?" I asked.

"Oh. His dad made him get a job so he's working right now." Henry shrugged.

   "Oh...okay. (Random...)"

More time goes by.

   "Hey let's get some food! I'm fucking starving!" Henry hung his head back.

   So we drove to a small convenient store and parked on the curb.
   Belch waited in the car as Henry, Patrick and I went in. We got in and Henry immediately went to find the cereal section while Patrick took me by the arm and dragged me off to find the bakery display. We got to the counter and he started to order for him and the boys.

   "Can I get two-no three cinnamon churros and uh, two chocolate dipped donuts?" Then he looked to me. "What do you want?"

   I pulled his sleeve so he was down to my level and told him I wanted just a simple jelly filled. Because I'm awkward and don't like ordering for myself.
   And this guy OOH this guy! Just smirked and said "go on. Tell her what you want!"

Fuckinbitchassmakinmeordermyself- OH! also I had to stand on my toes to see the lady over the counter cus of my 5'0 short ass 

   "...can I please have a jelly filled donut..?"

"I'm sorry miss, could you speak louder?"


"Can I please have a jelly filled donut?!"

   "Alright! Coming right up!"

I turned to look back up at Patrick to see his DUMBASS SMIRK FUCKING AMUSED AT MY UNCOMFORTABLE STATE!!

   We got the donuts and met up with Henry and walk out the store. As we get to the car Henry starts to pull a Cap'n Crunch cereal box out of his jacket. (Small store. no alarm. He stole it.) we get in and just sit there with the car parked. As Patrick, Belch and I are casually eating ours, Henry is just sitting in the passenger seat aggressively eating the dry cereal. (he looked so angry 😂)
    We just sat there for a while eating and chatting (don't remember what about) and then this lady came up to the window and knocked on it. Patrick rolled down the window and asked what she wanted.

   "Oh hi Patrick! I just came to drop off your pictures from your photo shoot the other day!" She handed him a yellow envelope. (Huh?)

   "Oh right! Cool thanks!" He took it and she left.

   He opened the envelope and took out the pictures. The theme of the photoshoot was very angelic, heavens, god vibes. (Oh shit his god complex—)
    He was in a white one shoulder toga robe with his arms gently crossed with his hands on either side of his face. He had a crown like halo and clouds were in the background. They put gold highlights on his shoulders, hands, face, basically where you would highlight. And his hair was slicked back with one small curl in front.
   The guys were all checking them out saying they looked awesome and shit then he handed me one.

"So what do you think??" He smiled

   "Well, I really like it but-"

"But?? But what" he asked with a dark face as Belch and Henry also stared at me as if insulted.

   "You look great but I don't like that they slicked your hair back- I like it messy." I put my hand on his head and ruffled his hair.

   He loved that I just ruffled his hair. Let alone said I prefer it a certain way. He smiled ear to ear and was about to say something but then I woke up.

Sickening Perfection (Patrick Hockstetter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now