Chapter 15

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I sat with my head in my knees for a good fifteen minutes before I decided I needed to get up. I was so ashamed of myself. Why had I just cowered down like that? I knew Brendon was probably fuming. And honestly, I didn't blame him. But, some part of me needed boundaries. Maybe it was the goody-two-shoes surfacing inside my head, but what about the part of me that was daring enough to send nudes last year? Where did that Scarlett go? Maybe that's what Brendon was wondering.

As I pulled myself up off the ground, my back popped. Sometime within those fifteen minutes my legs went numb, and standing up now was challenging. After a minute of regaining my balance I walk to my dryer and pull out a pair of navy blue sweat pants. A rush of anger came over me and I thrashed the pants into the dryer, and kicked the door as hard as I could. It slammed shut with a sharp thud that echoed throughout my empty house. I couldn't feel the, probably growing pain, in my foot over the adrenaline still coursing through my veins.

I finally decided to go back upstairs. Just leaving the room made me feel better. I didn't have to sit and think about what just happened while the air around me was still heavy. I could go to my room and sprawl across my bed and just sleep it all away. All of it. I wouldn't have to think about any of the crap that was going on.

___________{ PC }___________

Scarlett fell onto her bed intending to slip into a deep, blissful sleep within minutes. But in actuality, within minutes she was still thinking about Brendon. Scarlett tried her best to explain everything to herself.

-Okay so Brendon is my teacher. I have a crush on my teacher. My teacher likes me back. I have made out with my teacher. I definitely liked it. I like him. I like Brendon. But I also like boundaries, and I'd like to keep my virginity. Okay don't lie to yourself Scarlett, if Mr. Urie took your virginity you wouldn't mind... Oh shut up brain you don't know shit. But for some reason you're afraid of continuing a relationship with your English teacher although you have a massive crush on him. What is your deal?

Her thoughts crashed back and forth against the inside of her skull and she struggled trying to sort them out. After a while she gave up entirely, and closed her eyes.

-Just give up. Quit over thinking it. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Okay so first authors note! Whoop Whoop. This was a filler chapter, okay? I know its not much just hold out for Chapter 16. I just want to say thank you for so many reads, I know it doesn't look like much to some but to think I started exactly a week ago with less than a hundred it means a lot. If you're reading this I love you. I need some feedback though! I'm not getting much feedback and I want to know how you guys think of the story and what you think will happen next for Scarlett. Also don't forget to vote. I love you all!!

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