Chapter 5

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I sat in my bed, staring at the ceiling. It was the middle of the night, so really I was staring upwardly at darkness. A thousand thoughts were swarming inside of my head.

-Why didn't Brendon tell me we were neighbors?
-Even if we were neighbors, how did he know exactly which house was mine?
-Why did he want me to call him Brendon?

I couldn't decide between whether this was exactly what I wanted as a love sick student; First name basis, Being in his car, living near him, being able to see him,
Or being very worried about the way this could turn out.
I was torn between letting this be all I've ever dreamed of when it comes to our "relationship", or worrying about my potential safety.

Oh my god, Scarlett calm down, what is the worst that could happen?
Well frankly there's a lot of worst case scenarios.
But do you really think Mr.Urie would actually cause you any harm?
No. Never.

I took a deep breath, and shut my eyes, trying to ease my mind, and go to sleep. My brain got the best of me and I decided that maybe I just needed to read a book to make me tired.
I reached over to my side-table, patting the surface in search of my phone. I felt around nervously. Where was my phone? no. nO. NO. It was at school. It was probably still sitting on Mr.Urie's desk, unlocked, for anyone to grab throughout the first 6periods of the day. Great.

I just decided to go back to worrying about...Brendon? Praying to god I could get at least a little sleep tonight.

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