Chapter 19

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I gulped louder than expected. My hands were already shaking, and I felt sweat beginning to gather on my face. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath, only inviting my nervousness to grow to an almost overwhelming level. Finally, he began to speak.
"Your grades are absolutely perfect this year. Spotless, even."
What? At this point I was beyond confused. He didn't wait for me to respond before continuing.
"The school board is working on developing an after-school academics club. Sort of an advanced and elite group. I wanted to know if you'd be interested in joining."
This wasn't at all what I expected. I was expecting a reaming. A full blown screaming match. Some sort of intense dramatized interrogation. But instead, I'm rewarded. I nod vigorously. I'm speechless at this point, but able to at least exclaim,
"Yes, yes. Thank you." this isn't at all what I thought, but it was definitely a huge accomplishment for me. This was something I'd been wanting for some time. A long time, actually.
But there was just one thing.
"Wait, when did you say this was going to be?" I ask.
"It starts this Thursday, and will continue every Monday and Thursday of each week." He smiles, hesitantly.
"Is that alright?" he asks.
"Well, yes. Of course. It's just that I've recently taken up tutoring. And I know that teachers aren't allowed to log extra hours unless the sessions go on every day...I just thought that might conflict."
His eyebrows knit together, and he stares at me in udder confusion. The look on his face asking a deal of questions, including, an obvious expression of Are-You-Crazy. I stare at him back, raising my eyebrows to inflict an Are-You-Gonna-Answer-Me and he finally does.
"Um, well, Scarlett, I don't know where you heard that information, but it is absolutely not true. Teachers are allowed to hold tutoring sessions whenever the student deems necessary. The schedule is allowed to be as random as it needs to." He states. I shake my head slowly. Now it was my turn to hold the Are-You-Crazy look.
"But I was told-" I begin to argue, and am silenced by an authoritative hand being held upward to pause me. A blatant gesture of silence.
"Dismiss what you were told. That is not correct. You were dealt false information." had Brendon lied to me? Why would Brendon lie to me about something like that?
"So are you completely decided on whether or not you would like to join the Academic Elites Club?" he asks, purposely changing the subject. I am snapped out of my thoughts and immediately smile, nodding once again.
"Yes, I am. And I'm very excited." I state, almost giddily.
"We are excited to have you as well."
Shortly after, I exit the office. Checking my phone, I realize that we only have five minutes left in sixth hour. English was my next, and final, class. So, I decided to walk there instead. Thankfully I had brought my backpack with me when I was called to the office, so I had it with me now.
As soon as I hit the doorway to Brendon's class, the bell rang. I stepped in quickly, dodging the kids who were trampling each other to exit the room. As people pushed and shoved, and slowly flooded out of the classroom, I made my way over to Brendon's desk.
He was watching me intently, and today I didn't shy away from his stare. I easily locked eyes with him and held his gaze.
"Yes?" he asks cockily, obviously wondering why I was abruptly showing up at his desk.
"Don't act like a douche bag. I just need to talk to you." I say sternly, but quietly, looking around the room to make sure no one had come in yet. He was taken aback by my sudden outburst, and I waited for him to yell at me for bluntly calling him a douche bag, but he never does. He just looks at me expectantly with a smirk of sudden interest toying at his lips.
"About?" he draws out the word in curiosity, raising an eyebrow.
"Privately." I say through clenched teeth, this only invites a look of pure amusement to appear on his face. He stands up and follows me out of the classroom, shooting me a wink, with that suggesting expression still prominent.
"And don't get any ideas."

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