Chapter 36

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I spent the next two days of school avoiding Mr. Urie at all costs. I would skip tutoring and ride the bus straight home. I would dodge his glares, and stares, and whispered comments. I was trying as hard as I could to make myself forget everything he'd put me through. It was what would be best for me and my mental health. I just had to wait until my mother came home, and everything would go back to normal. He couldn't get me then.
I mean, there was no denying anything that went on, but as long as we hadn't had sex, and I wasn't in on the actual murders he had committed, I could potentially block everything else out... that was, until my French teacher made it difficult to do so.

A few days back, I had noticed Mr. Evans acting really strange. At first he wouldn't look me in the eyes, or pay any attention to me at all. I had raised my hand several times to answer questions in class, but he only ended up ignoring me and choosing someone else at random. Not knowing what I had, or was doing wrong, I decided to stay back a few minutes and talk to him about it.

( Mr. Evan's POV ) (~flashback~)

I couldn't look at her. I couldn't speak to her. I couldn't pass her, I couldn't come in contact with her, and I couldn't even act like she existed. But most importantly, I couldn't lose my job... or my life.
When I was able to catch small glimpses of her while she sat and raised her hand persistently, I could tell how much it bothered her that I had to ignore her.
That's why it didn't fully come to a surprise when she stayed after class to talk to me.
As she approached my desk, I flinched. Of all things, I had to flinch? She noticed, too, and sat down gingerly on a chair in front of my desk. Her large brown eyes peered into mine, and at that moment, I realized that no matter what was going to happen to me, I needed to help this girl. She needed me.

She opened her mouth to speak, but I cut her off instantly.

"You did nothing wrong. None of this is your fault. Let me fill you in, and then I want to hear your whole side of the story. Okay?" she nodded, looking extremely anxious.
I sighed. This was going to be hard. "Okay, first thing is, I know about you and Mr. Urie." that probably wasn't the smartest choice for a preface, because she gasped and tears began to swell at her eyes.
"No, no, please Scarlett, calm down. You're not in trouble. Not at all. I don't know the full story, but I know something is going on. I'd like you to tell me... everything." My tone was more forceful than I meant it to be. This was scaring the hell out of me. And apparently her too.
Without warning she jumped up from her chair, shaking her head, and covering her face within her hands.
"I can't do this. This was a mistake. Oh god."
Grabbing her stuff from her desk she attempted to flee the classroom. My heart was beating a mile a minute, and I could feel my pulse in my ears. As her hand reached quickly for the doorknob of my classroom, I stood up and demanded,
"No, please." her hand inched closer. "Scarlett if you open that door, I will die." these words caught her attention.
"What?" She asked frightendly.
"Come here. Please. This is way more serious than you think." She put her hand down slowly, and made her way back over to my desk, before plopping down into the chair.
I watched her for a while. She had a bad habit of chewing on her nails. Her hands were unbelievably shaky, and her eyes never met my persistent gaze.
"I don't want to talk about it." She said after a while, almost inaudibly.
"I can help you." I badgered, reaching my hand across the desk; not necessarily to touch her, but to let her know i was there for her. The real question in the matter was: Could I? Could I really help her now? Did I have the power? was I even braw enough?
She shook her head again, finally looking up at me. But this time, her eyes held something different: Anger.
"I don't trust you! I don't trust anyone." That was understandable. I just wish I knew what exactly was going on. What that sick bastard had done to this poor, intelligent girl.
"You can trust me, I'm as much a part of this now as you are."
She scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"How so?" She asked.
"A few days ago I was in the copying room, minding my own business when he came in and put me in a chokehold. He threatened that if I ever spoke to you again, he would kill me. But, here I am, speaking to you when I could be killed for this. That's how you know you can trust me." She sighed, and bit at her nails again.
It was silent for a moment, as she put her head down. I held my breath the entire time, not knowing what to expect. My mouth went dry, and I couldn't stop myself from tapping my foot against the floor in anticipation. This was such a dangerous act, and I needed her to comply.

Finally, she looked up at me, a tear sliding down her cheek.
"What do you want to know?"
I sigh.

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