Chapter 37

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"What do you want to know?" She asked.


A sigh emitted from her lips, the words seeming to get stuck in her throat. It was easy to tell that she was already holding back tears.

"It all started at the beginning of this year. He was a nice guy, very sweet and caring, and I did what any hormonal school girl would do. I developed a crush." a small smirk made its way onto my lips. The room grew temporarily quiet before she continued, her words were timid.

"And, I thought," she paused, gulping, "that he liked me back..." Her next words were almost inaudible, but I heard them loud and clear. "...I never knew it would end up like this."

"What did he do, Scarlett?"


"He killed people."
She whispered shakily. A chill ran through my entire body.

"Oh..." He breathed

"And he just kind of became obsessed with me." I scoffed.

A sarcastic, "Obviously." was muttered by him. His disrespecting words pissed me off to no extent. My hand reached for the doorknob quicker than I expected, but I pulled it back. It took all my strength I had to pull it back. Now was not the time. I was going to have to wait.

"And what else happened?"

"He's beaten me."

"Love induced punishment." I corrected quietly, rolling my eyes.

"He also almost broke my leg... and tried to..." She hesitated. " know."

"Have sex with you?" He asked bluntly.


The room grew quiet once more, showing heavily that the tension was building. My heartbeat pounded through my ears. Every voice in my head tempted me to open the door and confront them... but I just needed to wait; only a little longer.

He cleared his throat, breaking the silence.
"I'll get this taken care of as soon as I can."

"Okay... I trust you." My body tensed as she said those words. I wanted her to trust me... maybe I was going to force it into her. Was there such thing as forcing trust? I scoffed. Maybe I would just have to throw trust away completely.

Scarlett was heard picking up her things and heading for the door. My heart began racing faster than before. I couldn't stop myself from whatever I was about to do.

"Bye Mr. Evans."

The door swung open, and I slid behind a corner. I made sure that it was fully closed before I moved out of hiding.

She walked cautiously down the hallway, almost as if she already sensed that I was there. Oh, the trouble they were both in now.

I crept closer to her, making my strides double the speed of hers. When I was near enough, I reached forward and yanked back on her beautiful brown hair. She gasped loudly. The force I held on her hair caused her to tilt her head backwards to look at me. There was nothing but innumerable fear in her eyes, as she knew that she had been caught.

"Mr. Urie?" she asked breathlessly.

One hand clasped firmly around her mouth, as the other stayed knotted tightly in her hair. Her breathing was shaky and shallow; fear continuing to well inside of her beautiful brown eyes.


______{ Scarlett }______

The bell rang, and all the students, including me, filed into the classroom.

"So, today we'll be beginning a book entitled 'Strangers', it is about a young girl looking for love, and finding it in the place she least expects it," his gaze focuses on me "and it gets a bit dangerous." his glare intensifies warningly.

Beads of sweat are already pooling on my face, and my palms are ice cold. I can only imagine what is in store for me.

I jump as the intercom comes on with a loud buzz, startling the class.

"Can we have Scarlett Miller to the principals office please, Scarlett Miller." I looked at Brendon with wide eyes, and he stared back with a puzzled, yet infuriated expression. Standing up from my seat nervously, I grabbed my things and darted to the door.

"Be back soon." I heard, in a warning tone, from behind me.

I walked down the hall with clammy hands, trying to rub them into the sleeves of my jacket to stay warm. I had no clue why I was being called down, but a feeling in my stomach made me believe that it was because Mr.Evans had saved me. I was sure that he had reported Brendon, and that I was going to be safe now.

I felt overpowered. I knew I was saved.

Entering the office, I am greeted by the new secretary who was hired in Karen's place. Thinking about Karen only fuels me to want vengeance against that monster back in the classroom.

"Have a seat, and please shut the door." instructs the principle, as I walk in swiftly. I try to slow my breathing, and calm myself down. I didn't know what to expect, but I did know that this was going to be the moment that changed it all.

"Ms.Miller," please save me, "I'm here to discuss your grades."

At this statement, my heart shattered. Every hopeful feeling I had in my body evaporated. I felt like my bones were going to implode, and leave me in a lifeless heap, so that I could be discarded and left to rot.

Everything seemed to be going in slow motion.

"O-okay." Was all I could manage to whisper.

"It seems that your grades have been slipping recently. Your 4.0 has been tarnished and I usually don't call students in personally to discuss their grades, but this is highly unlike you." All I could do was nod. I had already given up trying to keep my head up, so my gaze was sheepishly dropped down towards my lap.

"Do you have any explanation for why your grades have dropped from straight A's, to five C's, a D, and a B minus?" I shuddered as he read over my grades. I had no clue that they were that low. It was all Brendon's fault for keeping me out of school and distracting me.

Honestly, that's exactly what I wanted to say. I wanted to scream it, in fact.
"You wanna know something? This isn't my fault! This is the fault of some goddamn maniac that you, yourself, hired! Not mine. So why don't you march your ass down the hallway and fire that psycho instead of yelling at me!"

Instead, I was only able to shake my head.

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