Chapter 34

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It had been five hours already that I'd been stuck in my room. All I could do was hum to myself to keep from going insane because apparently Brendon had taken my phone... again. He probably knew I wouldn't hesitate to use it to call for help. Actually, that's what I had spent three out of the five hours doing; tearing apart my room in search of my phone.
My stomach was growling incessantly, and I couldn't find a single scrap of food in my entire room.
It's actually crazy how much I've realized that I don't keep in my room that I probably should; just in case situations like these were ever to occur again.
Like, for example, a sharp object. I could use it for safety, or for cutting the rope locking me into this goddamn room.
I was beginning to get really angry, and I was about to smash out the glass of my window, but one, I don't have the strength, and two, I don't want a broken window. That would just be free invitation for Brendon to slip through it any time he felt necessary. I mean, the only thing keeping him from doing that currently was that the damn thing has never opened, ever since we moved here its been stuck shut.
I've been chewing on my nails like an animal, and planning 34 different ways to murder that bastard for the last two hours. My butt and legs are numb from having sat on the floor for that period of time as well, and I have no motivation whatsoever to get up any time soon. I'm just going to have to sit here and wait it out until Brendon comes home. I just really hope this isn't about what I promised.

_____{ Brendon }_____

Thinking of how I finally had Scarlett all to myself was the easy part. Sitting through seven hours of being trapped in a building with screaming adolescents while the only person I wanted to see was gone, was the hard part.
Ever since yesterday when Scarlett was screaming at me, her last few words had been circling around in my head, and fueling my anger:
"... all the while I'll just be banging my French teacher before you end up murdering him too."

Was this guy actually a threat? I mean he was about my age, black hair, brown eyes, not unattractive. But I bet his face would look a lot better bruised and buried next to Karen and Coach Denler. I guess I have a bone to pick with Mr.Evans tonight before I go back to see my baby.

As my students finished taking their vocabulary test, I unlocked my desk drawer and pulled out my briefcase. Unlocking it as well, I dug around until I found Scarlett's phone. A couple minutes ago I had heard it buzz, and clicking the home button, I find that her mother had texted her.

-Hey, I hope your leg is better. I'll be back in three days.

Three days? Three days! I had only three days left to claim the last of my victims and run away with Scarlett to start a new life.

As the last student was turning their test in, the bell rang, and thankfully, students were out of the room faster than I could dismiss them.
I wasn't planning on responding to her mother, but I knew tonight that I would have to set some rules with Scarlett about this homecoming.
I re-locked my brief case, pushed her phone into my pocket, and grabbed the stack of tests off of the back table before exiting the classroom.
I was planning on going to the copy room to set down my things, and then go "speak" with Mr.Evans; but luckily, when I walked in, there he was with his back turned to me, at the the copying machine.
Silently, I closed and locked the door. Creeping my way closer to him I was able to get him in a choke hold with ease.
He didn't try hard to fight back, but just looked at me with scared eyes.

"Listen, Dennis, I don't want to have to kill you, but I will gladly do it if you don't comply. I want you to stop any and all communication with Scarlett Miller, and if that's too hard for you, I want you to quit your job. I will be watching. is that clear?"
He tried his hardest to nod beneath my grip, but I wanted to hear him say it. I tightened my hold against his neck and his eyes got huge.
"Say it." I spat through clenched teeth.
He managed to choke out, "Okay." before I let him go. Once my arm had freed his neck, he fell to the floor coughing, searching for air.
I grabbed my things quickly and headed for the door, but as soon I reached the knob he spoke up.

"What's going on between you and Scarlett?" I turned around slowly, seeing him stand up and approach me.

"If you ever utter a word of this incident to anyone, especially me, it will be the last thing you ever say."

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