Chapter 30

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_______{ PC }_______

There was a slow, constant, shrill noise echoing throughout the bathroom.
Scarlett stayed sprawled on top the tile floor questioning whether she was dead or not. The steady screeching noise continued to drone on next to her.
Opening her eyes, to realize that she was not actually lifeless, but just asleep, she picked up her cell phone.

"Shut up." She groaned, letting her eyes focus on the screen. The name 'Brendon Urie' flashed in big white letters.
Wondering how he had a contact in her phone when she was sure she'd never put it in there, she answered it.

"Scar?" He sounded worried.
"Where the hell are you?"
"Your attendance sheet says you've been absent for the first four periods of the day." She was still groggy and disoriented, so there was no hope for her to figure out what he was even talking about.
Wait, absent?
The word snapped Scarlett back into reality. This stunt had put a dent in her flawless, tardiless, record. She was missing school, and she wasn't even dead.

"Scarlett! Answer me!" Brendon yelled, causing her to jump and pull the phone away from her ear.
"I'm sorry. I forgot to set my alarm." she lied, unconvincingly.
"So you over slept for about-" he paused. "-Six hours? Ha, yeah, no. I'm coming over. I'll be there in ten." and with that, he hung up the phone, not even giving Scarlett the opportunity to argue.

She quickly picked herself up off the floor. The medicine bottle was sitting on the counter next to a few spilled pills.
All she could wonder was why they hadn't killed her, as she picked up the bottle and examined the label.
'Aspirin' it read, and she nearly punched herself in the face.
She knew she'd swallowed exactly six pills, and she also knew that swallowing six Aspirin wouldn't do anything to you. Wondering how she could be so stupid, she put all the excess pills back into the bottle, and tossed it angrily into the trash.

Within the ten minutes before Brendon arrived, Scarlett was able to clean herself up. Pulling on comfier clothes, and brushing out her hair.
She tried to push the thought of what she had almost done, and why she had done it, to the back of her mind. It was challenging, but doable.

As she sat on the couch watching cartoons, the front door opened, and Brendon walked in, not even bothering to knock.
He ran over to her instantly and wrapped his arms around her, breathing heavily.
It was quiet as they sat with arms around each other on the couch, and all that could be heard was the heaviness of every breath he took.
He squeezed her shoulders one last time and pulled away, reaching his hands up to hold her cheeks. She gazed into warm, worried brown eyes; thankful that they weren't cold and threatening as usual.
His voice was small when it finally broke the silence, just above a whisper.

"Are you alright?" she nodded in his hands.
"You had me worried sick, baby. Don't scare me like that. Please." He hadn't even known the entirety of what she'd actually done, so with the way he was already acting, she was sure she didn't want to tell him. Ever.
He wrapped his arms around her once more, and pushed her back against the couch, laying on-top of her gently.
She enjoyed the feeling of sweet, cuddly Brendon. She wanted to stay wrapped up in his arms forever.
This was the Brendon she loved, but she knew it would come to an end soon with the things she needed to talk to him about. The important things, and I solved reasonings do the reason he acted the way he did. The choices he'd made. This was going to be hard.
Figuring that a few seconds longer couldn't hurt, she kissed the top of his head, that was laying against her chest. He just laughed and kissed her chin, before returning his head back to it's original place.

They sat like that for a peaceful five minutes, before Scarlett took a deep breath, and let out the words that had been trapped in her mind.

"Brendon, can we talk."
It felt good to get it out, although it had been fast, and translated to more of a mumble. But Brendon had heard her clearly, anyways. He just sighed against her, and pushed himself up on his arms, examining her face.
"Yeah, baby. I knew this was coming."

(A/N) So I like authors notes, and I'll be leaving them after every chapter now :)
I really want a name for my lil CIAO fans, so comment what you'd like to be called and I'll choose my favorite later. Comment as many as you want, ILY ALL!

Call It An Obsession ⊷ Brendon Urie || Book 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin