Chapter 3

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I'd been writing for a while, and my hand was beginning to cramp, so I sat the pen down and just stared at Mr. Urie as he read his book. I watched as his mouth was parted, every so slightly moving to the shape of the words he read on the paper, as his eyes followed along. He did the cutest of things. I noticed how his hair was neatly slicked back, but a single strand of it had fallen out of place to lay awkwardly against his forehead. It bothered me so I went back to staring at his lips.

I hadn't realized how long I'd been staring at him until his eyes met mine and he smirked.

"How's the writing coming?" he asked, shooting me a cute little side smile.

"I think I'm about done actually"

"That's awesome! I can't wait to read it." he set his book down and looked at his watch.

"Oh shi- uh It's six o'clock." I giggle at the fact that he almost cussed in front of me. And then I realize that I hadn't even called my mom to tell her I was staying late.

"Oh my god, my mom doesn't know I'm here. She's going to kill me." I whine, as his face copies my worried expression.

"Do I -uh- need to take you home?" I think about it for a second, weighing the two options. I either set through a mildly awkward car ride with a cute teacher, or I probably have to withstand severe yelling from my mother. The choice is obvious.
"Because I can, it wouldn't be any trouble." he finishes, looking me in the eyes for a while, and scratching the back of his neck.

"Would you?" I finally ask, grabbing my stuff off the back of my chair.
"Please, it would mean a lot to me." he nods, smiling at me, and says,
"Sure thing." as he grabs his keys from his desk drawer, and picks up his briefcase.
He begins to approach the door where Im standing, but first he walks by the switch and shuts the lights off. The room is still partially illuminated by the lights from the hallway. As he finally gets to the door, he reaches around me to grab his coat, and accidentally brushes his hand against my butt.
I guessed that he hadn't noticed because the gesture was followed by complete silence, as we began our trip down the long hallway.

Call It An Obsession ⊷ Brendon Urie || Book 1Where stories live. Discover now