~Makeover!~ Risotto x Reader

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(Ok ok, so someone wanted a Risotto one, but my dumbass forgot who-
I am sorry, really I am. But, I'll do it now, so I hope its ok)

You sigh to yourself as you watch your Capo, the one and only Risotto Nero. Not only is he your Capo, but your current crush.

"Theres no way he'd like someone like me..." You frown and sit on the couch, your eyes never leaving your Capo.

"(N/N), what's wrong?" You look to your right and see your bestfriend, Gelato.

"Oh uhh.....its nothing..." He frowns and scoots closer to you.

"Well obviously its something, your not smiling like you usually do." You shake your head and try to smile. Gelato just frowns more and crosses his arms.

"You know I'm here to help, so just tell me, I cant read minds." You open your mouth to say something, but a familiar voice stops you.

"Yeah (Y/N), what's wrong?" You look behind you, smiling as you see your other bestfriend, Sorbet. He sits next to his husband and looks you up and down.

"Hmm.....I think I know what's wrong......your in love." You blush as Gelato gasps.

"What?! In love?! With who?! Tell meeeeee! Spill the tea!" Sorbet chuckles and kisses Gelato's cheek.

"Dear, calm down."

"I am calm!"

"Uh huh-"

"Shut-" You giggle and shake your head at the two. As they keep arguing back and forth, you look back at your Capo. His ruby eyes glance over the paper he has in his hand, his pale skin practically glowing in the light, and his frown so mesmerizing. You feel a blush spread on your face as many thoughts flood you mind. Oh how badly you want him to grab you by the waist, pin you to the wall, and-

"Oh my god-" You jump and look back at the couple, having completely forgotten about them.

"Darling, look! Shes in love with Ris-" You gasp and cover Gelato's mouth.

"SHHHHHHHHH-" Sorbet taps his chin and chuckles.

"Well well, your in love with Capo eh?"


"I'm not the one yelling." He smirks smugly and pets your head, causing you to huff.

"Sorry, but I dont want him to find out....."

"Why not?" Gelato frowns and grabs your hand. You look back towards your Capo, a salome look on your face.

"I dont think he even notices me...." Just as you finish, Sorbet snaps.

"Then we just have to make him notice you! Gelly, you know what to do." Gelato nods and drags you upstairs to their room. He sits you on the bed and moves to his mirror.

"Ok ok ok, Sorbi, go to her room and find something nice." The tall gambler nods and quickly goes out the room, closing the door behind him. You turn back to your blonde friend as you hear some swears, causing you to giggle.

"Now (N/N), I'm going to help you look even more irresistible, so hold still and let me work my °•°☆magik☆°•°." He holds up a few makeup brushes and fake eyelashes. You nod and giggle more at the excitement on his face. You look over as you hear the door click, tilting your head at Sorbet.

"What did you pick?" He smirks and sets it on the nearby chair.

"None of your concern, now Gelly, do your stuff." With that, Gelato smiles and holds your face to apply the makeup.

~Time Skip Because I Apparently Forgot How To Write A Good Story~

"How do I look?" You step out from behind the changing screen and spin. Both males gasp at the sight of you in a glittering (F/C) dress that matches your eyes perfectly. Your hair pulled back just enough to make it seem different. Then add the beautiful and sparkling makeup done by your bestfriend, absolutely stunning. Sorbet nods and taps his chin.

"Oh yeah, we're good." Gelato giggles at his husband and grabs your hands.

"You always look beautiful my dear, this just helps highlight your natural beauty. Now, all that's left is for you to follow your heart, go talk to him." A soft smiles spreads across your face as you nod.

"Thank you.....both of you. I dont know what I would do without you guys...." Sorbet chuckles and opens the door, motioning for you to step out.

"Oh you know, youd probably be lonely for the rest of your life if we hadn't stepped in." You playfully hit his chest and walk out the door. You turn slightly and look at them.

"Go on, hes in his office. We'll be here if you need us, but I doubt you will." Yoy nod and wave at them before quickly making your way to Risotto's office.

You lightly knock on the door, your anxiety slowly taking over. You hear a gruff, "Come In", signaling you to step inside. You slowly open the door and peek your head in.

"U-uh.....h-hi Capo....." Risotto looks up from his papers, you could have sworn you saw some pink for a brief moment.

"(Y-Y/N), hello.....have a seat." You nod and shakily sit across from him. You tap your foot and look around the room. The room itself is pretty drab, dark brown colored walls and no pictures, just blank.

"So what brings you here?" You jump and look back at him, almost getting lost in his ruby eyes.

"O-oh...! Umm....i-i was...was wondering i-if....we could....maybe...uhhh-" He raises an eyebrow as you close your eyes.

"Maybewecangoouttodinnersometimemaybenotbutonlyifyouwanttoimnotforcingyouoranything." You puff your cheeks out and hold your breath. Silence envelops you, the only sounds are the sickening ticking of the clock and Risotto's odly large breaths.

"Dinner?" You slowly nod and open one eye. As you do, you cant help but gasp. You see, Risotto isnt the kind of man to smile, but at this moment, a large smile sits on his face, and he looks really good-

"I would love too. I'm free later, how about it?" Your eyes widen, he actually said yes?! You nod quickly and stand up.

"I-ill see y-you later then!" He nods and watches as you quickly leave.

"I cant wait."

(Pppppppppp, its 1:49 am and this is what I'm doing with my life-)

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