~Childhood Friend~ Jotaro x Reader

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(Please request, I'm all out)

Just another shitty day. Today you woke up late, your dad hit you, and now its pouring. At least it cant get any wor-


"Look its JoJo!"

You roll your eyes in annoyance and keep walking. Jotaro Kujo. That name used to bring you joy, but now only sadness. You two were best friends growing up, inseparable even. Hes the only one that brought you happiness. The days when your father drank too much and decided to take out his anger and sorrow on you. Jotaro was the only one who understood.

"Hiya (Y/N), how was-" you looked down and tried to hide your new cut. He grabbed your wrist and examined it. "Did he do this?" You nodded. He sighed and handed you a piece of chocolate. "I'll make sure to walk you home tonight."

He always care for you. You even developed a crush on him, but the day you were going to confess was the worst day of your life.

"JoJo! JoJo, wait up!" You ran after the 12 year old, trying to catch up to him. He didnt turn around, just kept walking. "JoJo I, what happend to your face?" As you went to touch the bruise, he grabbed your wrist and glared at you. "Leave me alone you, you bitch!" You heart melted, tears lining your eyes. "JoJo what's wrong?" He glared at you and turned away. "Stop talking to me, your so annoying." As he walked off, you heard laughs from behind you. You looked down to your hands, the bracelet you bought him still attached to the heart card.

You blinked back a few tears and kept walking. That was the last day you spoke with him. You dont know what you did wrong. You sigh and keep walking. As you make it in school, you feel a hard punch to your gut. You fell to your knees and looked at your attacker. 'Another one of his fan girls.' She smirked and kicked your face, causing your nose to bleed. "That's what you get, slut." As she walks away, you only sigh. This is normal. Everyone talks to you like that, your father, your mother, and everyone at school. You get up and start heading for the nurse.

You get to her door and step inside. "Oh, miss (L/N), I didnt expect to see you so early." You just nod and sit down on the chair so she can get you the stuff you need to clean yourself up. You hear the door creak open but didnt bother to turn around. "JoJo, what are you doing here." Your eyes widen. 'Why? Why? Why?' You just keep sitting there, trying not to let him recognize you. "Well then, just sit next to Miss (L/N) and I'll get to you in a minute." Jotaro sits down and glances at you. You dont bother trying to talk to him, he made it clear he hated you years ago. "Sensei, may I be pardoned, I think I'll be fine." She turns and looks at you for a moment. "I'm guessing you dont want me to call home, right?" You give a small bow and she smiles.

As you are about to leave, you hear some other students yelling. You quickly turn around to see the nurse flinging around a pen. "Shit, must be an enemy stand." You quickly leap over the table and grab her flailing arms. "This doesnt look like a pen, right, right!?" You quickly pull out your stand, [Let You Down], and used it to reprimand her. You snap your attention to Jotaro and see a purple entity behind him. For 5 whole minutes, he just stares at you. "Get your head out of your ass Kujo and help me!" That snapped him out as he lunged for the nurse. You hear laughter from the window, a boy with red hair sat there. "Looks like I found another one, well my name is Noriaki Kakyoin, and I will kill you with my stand, Hierophant Green!" You role your eyes, this is going to be a long day.

~Small Time Skip~

You wipe the blood off of your lips and look over to Jotaro. You and him managed to defeat this Kakyoin kid. You sigh and walk over to the passed out red head. You check his vitals, he'll live. You bend down and pick him up, throw him over your shoulder like a badass. "This guy was talking about you Kujo, so I'm assuming I'm taking him to your house." He looks down for a moment, then nods. You both hop out of the window and make your way to his place.

(It was bad right? I know, you dont have to tell me. I need some more requests though, I'm out. Love you guys!)

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