~Cereal~ Diavolo/Doppio x Reader

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(Man, I'm really craving Fruit Loops right now)

You yawn and stretch your limbs as you slowly wake up. You role to your side and smile at the sight of your beloved boyfriend in his frog pajamas. You slowly run your fingers through his long spotted hair. He slowly opens his green eyes, smiling as soon as he sees you.

"Well good morning sleepy head." You place a kiss on his cheek and sit up. He wraps his arms around your waist.

"Nooooo, come back to bed." You giggle and ruffle your boyfriend's hair.

"Dia, you know we both have work today." He groans and let's go, rolling over and burying his face into the pillows. You smile and walk out of the bedroom, making your way to the kitchen. You grab a bowl and some cereal from the shelf. As you put down your breakfast items, you hear footsteps. You look up and smile.

"Well good morning Doppio." He smiles and hops over to you. You wrap your arms around him and kiss his cheek.

"Morning (Y/N), boss didnt want to wake up this morning, so I did!" You giggle and kiss his forehead. He puffs out his cheeks and plays with his shirt.

"These pajamas make me look dumb." You unwrap your arms and pull him to the table.

"Well, they are Dia's favorite pajamas." He pouts and sits down.

"I know, but I dont like them." You shake your head and place a kiss on the top of his head. He sighs and starts pouring himself some cereal.

"Eww, I dont want Cocoa Puffs." You hear Diavolo's voice say. Doppio huffs and pours the Cocoa Puffs in his bowl.

"You didnt want to wake up today, so you have to deal with it." Diavolo growls and goes silent.

"What a baby."

"I heard that!"

"Of course you did, your in my head!"

"No, your in my head!"

"Shut up!"

"You shut up!" You sigh and rub your temples. This is normal, but it still annoys you. You put your cereal bowl on the table and grab your boyfriends face.

"You both are in eachothers head, now shush before I throw something at the two of you." They both go silent, quietly eating their cereal. You smile and kiss their nose, happy they arent fighting anymore. You happily eat your cereal, sneaking in kisses to your boyfriend's face. You finish your cereal and stand up.

"Welp, I'm heading to work, I love you two." You kiss their cheek and walk out the door. Doppio sighed and places his chin on his hand.

"That kiss for me."

"No! It was clearly for me."


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