~LET ME HUG YOU~ Abbacchio x Reader

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(This is for my good friend erasemyguts. They are feeling very lonely and sad and I will have exactly NONE OF THAT! I WANT ALL OF YOU TO BE HAPPY! So please, talk to me if you need to vent, any of you)

You smirk and stand behind the couch. You raise your arms, ready to pounce on the poor soul who has entered your view. That poor soul, happens to be the resident Oscar the Grouch. You giggle to yourself and fling your arms around his neck.

"What the hell?! (Y/N)!" You giggle and bury your face in his hair. He growls and tries to escape, but you were having none of that. You pulled your stand out and had it force him down so you could cuddle him.

"(Y/N), I swear to god-" You lay on the couch and pull him into your arms, silencing him with a swift 'boop' on the nose. He pouts and tries to escape, making you sad.

"Abbacchiooooooooo let me hug youuuuuuuu!"

"No! Let me go!" You pout and hold him tighter. You lay your head on he shoulder and look up at him.

"I'm not letting go until you hug me back." He sighs and stops moving, just sitting there and pouting. You shrug and continue to hold him, happy he hasnt broken free from your grasp. You gently gasp as you hear soft snores coming from him. You giggle as you gently lay down with him, making sure to not wake him up. You sigh in content and nuzzle into his chest, soon falling asleep yourself.

"(Y/N), do you-" Bucciarati pauses as he sees you and Abbacchio asleep. He smiles and pulls out his camera, not wanting to lose this moment. He snapped the picture and looked at it.

"This ones a keeper."

(Its short and bad, like me-
But still, I'll listen to you if you guys ever need to vent, ok?)

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