~Frog Legs~ Polnareff x Reader

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(Requested by the awesome floweryy_, sorry this took so long, I'm procrastinating)

You smile as you happily walk next to your favorite French man. Today, Mr. Avdol let you, Polnareff, Kakyoin, and Jotaro go and explore. You grab Polnareff's hand and drag him forward.

"Come on French frie head, I want to visit the stores!!" He chuckles and let's you pull him along, leaving Jotaro and Kakyoin alone by the bathrooms. You gasp and smile, pointing at a clothes store.

"Come on, I want to see!" You pull him inside with you, your eyes widening at all the exotic clothing on the shelves and displays. You grab a scarf and wrap it around your neck, turning to Polnareff with a smug look. You clear your throat and speak in the snootiest voice you can.

"I do say my dear sir, chip cheerio!" Polnareff shakes his head and smiles.

"Are you trying to sound British?" You pout and take off the scarf.

"No, I was trying to be French." The tall man bursts out laughing, making you blush in not only embarrassment, but just how cute his laugh his. You clear your throat and turn away.

"J-jeez, it wasnt thay funny...." The French man calms down and ruffles your hair.

"It was funny, and very cute." You blush more, making him laugh more.

"Come on, you know you love me." You playfully pout and look away.

"I do love you, but you dont have to tease me so much...." He smiles more and kisses your cheek.

"je t'aime." You smile and boop his nose.

"I dont understand French you know, what did you say?"

"I guess you'll have to find out." You pout.

"That's not fair-" He kisses your head and turns around quickly.

"I'll tell you if you can beat me to the hotel!" With that, he took of sprinting. You gasp and quickly run after him.


(disieuwhfjandjsjauen it be bad)

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