~Shy~ Josuke x Reader

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(Guess who's not dead?! Me, it's me. I got some more requests! This was requested by the lovely HeikaAckerman. They wanted a shy reader, so that's what imma try to do!)

You look at your watch and gasp. Almost late for school, again! You pull your little brother along with you, its surprising his arm isnt broken.

"(Y/N)! Slow down!"

"Sorry Hayato, but I'll get suspended if I'm late again!" You stop in front of his school and bend down to his level, fixing his hair a bit.

"Love you, I'll pick you up after school ok?" Your little brother nods and walks off to class.

"He didnt even say love you back.....I guess hes already in his moody teenage years." You sigh and check your watch. You gasp and begin running to your school.

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit-" as you round the corner, you run into someone. You fall to the ground and try to frantically pick up your things that scattered everywhere.

"Crap, are you alright?" You look up at the person you ran into. You study his face, his beautiful eyes, and not to mention his hair. He grabs your arms and pulls you up on your feet. You look at your feet, you shyness kicking in.

"S-sorry for r-runnin into y-you....." You tap your fingers together and look at the detail in the concrete.

"Its fine, I barely even felt it. But are you alright?" The beautiful stranger puts his hand on your shoulder. You squeak and cover your face.

"I-im f-fine." He opens his mouth to talk, but the school bell rang. You gasp and look at your watch. Late!

"No no no no no no no no, I cant get suspended again! Papa will kill me!" You look at the stranger and shyly smile.

"I-i have to g-go-" With that, you run off.

~Time Skip~

You groan and hold your head in your hands. Your bestfriend sits next to you and pats your back.

"Late again?" You nod and show her the detention papers.

"Well, at least your not suspended." You just nod again and poke the table. Your bestfriend gasps and grabs your hand.

"Guess what?!" You raise an eyebrow.

"I'm. In. LOVE! His name is Koichi and hes the sweetest person in the whole world!" You shake your head and giggle. She huffs and crosses her arms.

"You'll see, we're going to go visit him, whether you like it or not."

"Ok ok ok, Yukako, I need you to calm down. I have to pick up Hayato, remember?" She frowns and looks away.

"You never hang out with me anymore...."

"Its not my fault my parents dont care...." Yukako looks at you and sighs.

"I'm sorry.....maybe we can hang out some other time?"

"That would be nice..." She smiles and gets up.

"See you later (Y/N)."

~Time Skip~

You look at your watch and tap your foot.

"Come on Hayato.....we cant be late." You hear footsteps, so you look up, assuming it's your little brother. You gasp and shrink away. Right in front of you, is that beautiful stranger you ran into this morning.

"Oh hey! Your that girl that ran into me!" You nod and look around, shyly taping your feet.

"(Y/N)? Oh (Y/N)!!" You look around and spot Yukako behind the stranger. She runs up and hugs you.

"I'm glad we caught you on time! This is my boyfriend Koichi, and his friends." She waves her hand at them. You nod a wave slightly.

"H-hi......I'm (Y/N)." The stranger smiles and waves back.

"I'm Josuke and this is Okuyasu." You blush at Josuke's smile and look st the ground. Yukako gasps and smirks.

"Ooooooo, (Y/NNNNNN), your in loveeeee." You blush more and look at her.

"N-no...! I just m-met him...!" She opens her mouth to say something, but you spot your little brother.

"Hayato! Over here, come and save your sister from embarrassment!" He sighs and walks over, grabbing your hand.

"Come on.....let's just get home." You follow him and glance at Josuke, your blush only growing as his smile widens.

"I'd love to hang out with you some more!" You nod and stutter your words. Hayato sighs and shakes his head.

"She'll talk to you later when shes not panicking."

(Is very bad ;-;)

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