~One Hell of a Girl~ Female Jotaro x Reader

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(I hope this turns out good. This was requested by the fantastic cheriegei. Also, I'm not going to chang his name to make it more girly, why? Because I'm lazy)

You sigh as you eat your lunch. You see, you have a huge crush on someone, but your to scared to tell them. Your best friend sits next to you and giggles.

"Still daydreaming about a certain someone?" You pout and poke at your bento. He giggles some more pats your head.

"I'm sure she will notice you eventually." You look over to him and pout.

"Noriaki, theres no way in hell she would talk to a twerp like me." He shrugs and places a cherry on his tongue. All of a sudden, a shadow is cast over you and Noriaki. You turn around and gasp.

"Kakyoin, let's go." He nods and stands up.

"Jotaro, have you met my friend?" He gestures to you. You gulp and blush when you make eye contact. She stares at you and tips her hat down. You wave slightly, still stunned.

"Whatever. C'mon Kakyoin." Ge just shrugs and follows Jotaro out. You sigh and look back down at your bento. You gasp when you see Kakyoin's is still there. You grab it and run after him. You run around the entire school looking for him, but you still couldnt find him. You stand at the school gates with a pout.

"He went home early." You jump and quickly turn around. You blush as Jotaro walks up to you. She tilts her hat down and looks off somewhere else.

"He and I are meeting at my house later. I can give it to him there." You nod and hand her the bento. For a brief moment, your hands touched. A huge blush erupted across your face.

"I-I have to g-get home now!" With that, you darted out the school gates and down the street. Jotaro looks down at her hand.

"Her hand was so, soft."

(I tried)

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