21. Who did this?

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Win entered Leo's room to check on Leo.

"Leo, how are you feeling now?" Asked Win to Leo who was sitting beside the sleeping Mew.

"Ssshhhhh, P'Mew is sleeping." SAID leo.

"Oh, I am sorry, I didn't know." Said Win feeling guilty.
Leo tucked the blanket in and lied down on the bed with Win standing beside him.

Win checked his wounds.
"I think you are alright, I would prepare your discharge papers." Said Win to whcih Leo nodded with a smile.
Win looked at Mew with a sullen expression.

"He must be really tired." Said Win.

"Yeah, he is sleeping like a baby." Said Leo with a smile.

"You know Leo, when I first saw Mew, It seem like his eyes were always  trying to say something.....but now I look at him, it seems like he got the one who listens to them.." said Win.

"...P'Gulf?.." said Leo to which Win nodded.

"Gulf really loves him and would do everything to protect him." Said win making Leo's face fell.

"And who's gonna protect, P'Gulf?" Asked Leo making Win to look at him with shock.

"I mean...sometimes P'Gulf looses his senses to protect P'Mew."said Leo making Win smile.

"That's what love is, it makes you loose his senses." Said Win with a smile to whcih Leo fake a smile.

Leo looked at Mew.
"Love really make you loose your senses." Said Leo.

"By the way, are you heading another autopsy." Asked Leo.

"Yeah, minister's son has been murdered....so I am heading his autopsy."

"Is that a new case under P'Gulf?" Asked Leo.

"Yeah, how do you know?"

"I saw p'Gulf leaving the autopsy lab."

"Yeah, he went there to use his pow.." said Win but stopped mid sentence realizing he almost reveal Gulf's secret making Leo looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean, he went there to check something." Said Win but Leo got a hunch that he was hiding something and before he could questioned him, bright and Gulf entered.

"You guys are back? I thought you would back in the evening."

"Someone pranked us.There was no dead body." Said Bright making Leo widened his eyes.

"Where the dead body(  dead body of the guy that Leo killed in chapter 19 to frame Gulf for his murder)?" Leo thought to himself.

"P'Gulf, did you check properly?" Asked Leo.

"Yeah!!! We searched for hours....but found nothing....oh god!!! I am so exhausted....people should be punished for making such calls." Said Gulf.

"Guys!! Please don't make any noise....Mew is sleeping....why don't you both rest in my cabin." Said Win to which both Bright and Gulf nodded.
Gulf walked to sleeping Mew and kissed his forhead

"I'll be back." Said Gulf making everyone smile except Leo who was gritting his teeth.

" They say love changes people but yours is a extreme case." Said Bright making Gulf and Win laugh.

"By the way Leo, Bright has caused a big  mess with senior....He called me on a meeting tomorrow, please come with me." Asked Win to which Leo nodded.

Win, Bright and Gulf left Leo's room.

"Where the hell did the dead body go?...Does P'Gulf know about my plan....does he still have doubts......No...No....I don't think so.....but....if it's not P'Gulf then who it is?" Thought Leo.
Gulf was driving back to hone where Mew was on the passenger seat fidgeting his fingers.Gulf noticed it.

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