18.Owe to you

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After having the lunch, Bright and Gulf were sitting in the lawn whereas Mew and Gulf's aunt were inside the house taking a nap.
Gulf's mind was still haunted by his aunt's words.He couldn't ignore the fact whatever his aunt has said was indeed true.The innocent Leo that he has known was capable of planning such things with such efficiency was indeed a little bizarre.He has left no evidence and to come up with a plan in such a short time wasn't work of someone who is inexperienced.

"What are you thinking, Gulf?" Asked Bright.

Gulf can't really tell Bright about his suspicion about Leo.He knew the response.He has once proven wrong about it and has cause a lot of damage to many relationships that he has, he doesn't want to do that again.For him and Bright, Leo has been a little brother and his heart was telling him to beleive Leo but at the same time, he doesn't want to neglect his instincts.So he decided to handle this on his own without involving anyone.

"Nothing" answered Gulf.

"Well!! I am glad you look okay now." Said Bright.

"It's all thanks to you, bright....if you won't be here, I would have lost Mew....I know how important this job is to you but you didn't even think twice before helping me....I shut you out but you still came everyday to check on me....I know we don't say such things but thank you." Said Gulf making Bright dumbstruck with his words.

"Whoa!!! Are you okay?....do you have a fever......Are you the real Gulf kanawut or some imposter." Said Bright placing his hand over Gulf's forehead pretending to check his temperature.

"Do you wanna die?" Said Gulf to which Bright quickly removed his hand  from his forehead.

"Oh!!! The real Gulf is back....maybe I liked the imposter more." Said Bright making Gulf to raise his eyebrow.

"I am kidding!!!...You don't have thank me over this.I didn't do it for you....I do it for myself......I know I have never said this but you know this pretty well that I can't live without you.....People might see us as friend or colleague but for me you are my brother...my only family .......Years ago, you saved me from a very dark place in my life...you saved my life, Gulf.....I owe this life to you...." said Bright with teary eyes.

Bright's words were so honest that it hurt Gulf that he shut Bright out after Mew's disappearance.

"Hey !!! Why are you being so emotional?...It doesn't suit you."said Gulf trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

" But it's true Gulf, when you shut me out, that entire week, I was in fear that you would do something to yourself....I was so scared....if anything would have  happened to you, I would have killed myself too.....this life is not mine if it weren't for you." Said Bright crying to which Gulf immediately hug him.

"Why are you saying something like that?...do you think I am that weak......and even if something happened to me....you have to live for Win, for aunt...for me, Bright...I might saved your life but still you don't owe me anything,...your life is yours,so live it to the fullest.....and with my powers back, I don't think so, I am dying anytime sooner." Said Gulf making Bright laugh.
Both let go each other.

"You are such a crybaby like always." Teased Gulf making Bright pout.

"Forget about that, what's the next plan?" 
Asked Bright.

"I don't know...I might quit my job." Said Gulf making Bright shocked.

"WHAT!!! Are you kidding me....we have come this far....the real killer is still out there....there are still so many lives at stake....How can you say that so easily?" Said Bright.

"Who said I am letting go the killer.I can catch the killer without being in CIB.....the director didn't fired me but that doesn't mean he would let me head this case....he would sure put us on another case....there is no use of being there." Said Gulf.

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