1.First Encounter

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Gulf was lying on the sofa with his cat Juu on his stomach.He was watching T.V and running his slender fingers through Juu's hair.The light from television's screen was shining on his golden skinned tall and slender figure.His eyes was glued on the screen but his mind was lost in his thought about his boring life.
Gulf was working as the officer in the CIB(Centeral Investigation bureau) of Thailand.He and his childhood friend Bright are known to be as Dyanamic DUo as there was no case they weren't able to solve.With his supernatural of seeing what the dead person saw 10 seconds before his death by just touching the body and with Bright's manipulative ability, there was no criminal that can escape from their hands.At first, it was exciting for Gulf chasing for criminals, solving the case but now it becomes too easy for him that it doesn't excite him anymore.There are times, when he can saw the face of the murderer but sometimes he can't but still he hasn't came across anyone who was smart enough to escape.

Suddenly Gulf came out out of his thoughts when he found his phone ringing.It was Bright.

"Yeah Bright, what's up?"

"Hey Gulf, there is new case of murder.I'll text you the address, be right there in half an hour."
Gulf frowned his eyebrows.

"I am not coming, today is my off day."said Gulf with a slight angry tone.

"I know Gulf but this is a high profile case.Mr.Hann, the CEO of Hansen cosmetics is murdered and the media is going insane." Said Bright making Gulf to take a deep sigh.

"Okay,okay I'll be there."said Gulf and ended the call.He ran his fingers through his hair in slight frustration.
Mr.Hann house
Gulf reached the the address Bright texted him.It was Mr.Hann's house.

Gulf exited his car and took a deep sigh to see how media was going crazy.Even the police force was unable to handle them.Gulf always wondered how media get to know about this but quickly shake his head to focus on what he came here for.He somehow managed to make his way to the house main gate after passing through the reporters and showed his ID card to the police officer who then permits him to enter.
As he entered the house after passing the seal he bowed to the police officer and his very good friend, Max.

"The entire media is going crazy over this bastard's murder."said Max

"Ofcourse, he was CEO of Hansen cosmetics and moreover a A-Listed criminal who do murders,rapes, trafficking,drug dealing behind the covers of his business."said Gulf while analyzing the Hann's house.

Max nodded in agreement.
"The murderer inspite of being punished should be awarded." Said Max making Gulf chuckled.

"So where is dead body?" Asked Gulf.

"In the bedroom,he was shot in the head."said Max

"Classic" commented Gulf.

"That's not it, when I get here along with Mr.Hann's body, there is one more person we found lying next to his dead body.At first, we thought he is dead but he was just unconscious and was sent to hospital right away and murder weapon has found to have the finger prints of that person."

"Who is this person?"

"He is host(a person who accompany People while they drinking in a bar or a club and often provide sexual services) in Dragon club.His name is Dolion."
Said Max to which Gulf frowned his eyebrows in confusion.

"Is it his real name?"asked Gulf while wearing the gloves.

"No, his real name is Mew supppasit Joongcheevevat but how do you know it  is not his real name."

"Because Dolion means 'decietful'.Why would a parent named their kid this."
Said Gulf.
Their conversation was interrupted by Bright.

"It is insane out there." Said Bright while panting making both Gulf and Max chuckle.

Why only 10 seconds?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant