Author's Note

483 26 7

Hiiiii everyone!!!
I can't even tell how many times I have contemplated about how many i's should be there in my 'Hi' but then I realised that I don't even have to think about that...because it's 'you guys' who have supported this story when I was late and lazy guys have been the best and guess what I have completed this story....I don't know when I will write another story and in the past few months, the only thing I have learnt is that you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow, so I wanna take this time to tell you guys that I am very grateful to you.....whenever I am depressed or fell unworthy, I look at your messages and I feel warmth...your words give me a sense of assurance that 'I am not that bad'.
I started writing for fun but I found something really valuable and that is you guys....
Thank you for your appreciation...thank you for waiting and thank you for reading....I love you guys....I know it's clinche but I really meant it.
Thank you.

And one more thing, guys please check out young a Swedish bl series of 6 episode in season's really will really like's season 2 is coming on November 1....guys check it out....Their chemistry is *chef kiss* and their kisses also and if you watch let me know if you like it

P.s:- my result is on 28th...please pray for me.

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