Umbitches New Squad

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"So, I know I won't be able to join, but I think I have a way to help you. I will get on Umbitch's good side, so I can keep her distracted while you go off to your meetings or whatever, and then you will be safe from her," Draco said.
"Thank you, Draco, for doing this for us." I kissed his cheek happily.
"I'm only doing it for you."
"Either way, thank you. I love you so much!"
We started training and I agreed to train Draco as well, but only when we were alone. We decided it would be best if we trained late at night when no one would catch us.
"Sav, come look at this." Cho came running up to me and dragged me outside the Great hall, pointing to another set of rules on the wall. The Slytherin boys had started a bet to see how many Umbitch would put up before the end of the year.
"Another one? Seriously? What is it this time?" I asked.
"No after school activities, including Quidditch. We have to get permission from her if we want to do an outer school activity. This is going to make training a whole lot harder," Cho said.
"Great, fricking perfect. We will have to find a good place to do it in secret. Let everyone know to look out for a place for us to practise."
"That's not all. She has put up a form for people to join her in a group to catch people not following the rules. She's calling it the Inquisitorial Squad. And you're not going to like this." She pointed at the form.
I looked at it before my eyes clouded over with fury.
"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!" I screeched. "Where the hell is he?"
"What's up, Sav?" Draco asked, putting an arm around my waist.
I slapped his hand away. "The hell, Draco? You put your name on the list! So don't you dare 'What's up, Sav?' me!" I yelled.
"Sav, come. We need to talk about this, not in public though, like we are now." Draco took my hand and led me away much to my displeasure.
"What the hell, Malfoy! You can't just do that! What do you want?" I shouted.
"Sav, I put my name on that list to help us. I can make sure no one finds your meeting place, and then at night, when I am on duty, we can practise, and we won't get into trouble because you are with me," Draco explained.
"Fine, I believe you. I don't like it, but I understand. Just do not betray my trust."
"I won't."
The Hog's Head meeting was coming up. Hermione, Ron, Harry, and I were all in the small pub in Hogsmeade, waiting for the other students to come.
"So, Hermione, how many people did you invite?" I asked, curious.
"Oh, a couple of people."
Soon, the door opened, allowing a small sliver of sunlight in before the hoard of people burst through the door. First came Neville Longbottom with Lavender Brown and Dean Thomas, who was closely followed by Parvati and Padma Patil. Cho Chang walked in with her redheaded friend and Luna Lovegood, then Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet, and Angelina Johnson, Colin and Dennis Creevey, Ernie Macmillan, Justin Finch-Fletchley, and Hannah Abbott.  Three Ravenclaws walked in after them: Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner, and Terry Boot. Ginny Weasley walked in with a tall, blond Hufflepuff. Fred and George walked in with Lee Jordan, bringing up the rear.
"A couple of people?" Harry and I said hoarsely, looking at Hermione with wide eyes. "A couple of people?"
"Well, um, the idea seemed to be quite popular."
Ron and Hermione worked together to pull up more chairs.
"Can we please have . . . twenty-five butterbeers?" Fred asked, and gave one to each person after they paid two sickles. Fred then passed up all the money to the bartender.
Harry and I started freaking out. "What are we supposed to tell people? What did you tell them? What are they expecting?"
"Just tell them what you are thinking. They will all be on your side," Hermione said confidently.
"Um, okay. So, we kinda have a plan on how to continue learning Defense Against the Dark Arts. Since Umbitch won't let us learn properly with magic and spells, Harry and I propose that we teach you. The only problem is that we don't have a room to teach in. We can't use a classroom because a teacher could easily find us. So if anyone has suggestions for where we can practise that would be great. Anyone?" I asked hopefully.
"Who's to say you know who is even back?" Seamus spat.
"Well, the fact that we saw him and both got our arms sliced open by him, and the fact that Cedric is now dead. I think that pretty much explains everything." I sassily spoke.
Neville was the one who suggested the room of requirement, hopefully the room was going to be okay with us using it.

A.N: sorry lads it's a short chapter but I've been busy with exams and have one tomorrow 😬😬😬 but I really wanted to update for all of you. Thank you so muchhh all for reading. And if you read the authors note then I love you <3

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