I broke things off with him

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Chapter 12.

As promised, the twins got me the hair dye and Hermione helped me apply it. It looked amazing when it was done. I pulled a hood over my hair and left the Gryffindor common room without anyone seeing me. I snuck into the Slytherin common room and was surprised to see absolutely no one there. I went into my common room and got ready for bed.

I woke up the next morning with Pansy at my side shaking me.

"What's up, Pansy?" I asked.

"Do you want to come wake the boys up with me?" Pansy asked.

I still had my hood up so she didn't see my hair yet. I was actually thinking about going because I would love to see the look on their faces. I wonder if they would realise it was me.

"Okay, but I am waking Draco up!" I told her sternly.

"Okay, Mrs Malfoy," she teased.

"Him and I aren't together. I will probably never be Mrs Malfoy. I broke things off with him," I responded sadly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry. Love the new hair, by the way!" she apologised.

"It's fine. Thank you, I really like it too. Do you think they will recognise me?" I asked.

"No, there is no way. And they will all start hitting on you straight away." She smiled a lopsided smile.

"Let's wake them up after we get changed into our uniforms. And I think I will have a bit of fun with the boys." I smirked.

We changed and charged into the boys room. I jumped on Draco's bed and nearly fell on top of him in an awkward way. I blushed. The boys groaned and gradually got up. Their attention turned to me.

"I haven't seen you here before. Who are you?" Blaise asked, flashing his pearly whites.

"Oh, are you Ron's friend? He said he had a friend in Slytherin to take care of me. He pointed to your group, but I wasn't sure who he meant. Ron and I are dating, well, it's not official but I am madly in love with him. Oh, I nearly forgot! I am Ariana," I teased and winked.

"I am Ron's friend, he told me to escort you to all of your classes and make sure you don't get hurt," Goyle quickly said.

"Thank you. It really means a lot to me!" I smirked.

The whole time Draco was very silent. He knew it was me, he could tell. He seemed a bit angry but I think he enjoyed watching me tease the boys, knowing I don't want any of them.

"Alright. Because you boys have been so nice to me, I am going to let you in on a really deep secret of mine. But just so long as you promise not to tell Ron," I said.

The boys nodded their heads eagerly for me to tell them.

"I--am--Savannah Potter. Now keep you and your dirty thoughts to yourself!" I snapped.

"Sav, you got them so good! You are brilliant!" Pansy said praisingly.

"All I changed is my hair and they think I am a totally different person." I rolled my eyes. Sure, I looked different, but not that different.

"Come on, Pansy, we have people to trick."

We left the room with grins plastered on our faces.

When we walked into the Great Hall, all eyes fell on me. Considering this happened usually, I was unfazed by it. Everyone in the hall was murmuring to each other trying to figure out who I was. I walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down. I had shown Fred and George and had them swear not to tell anyone. Hermione, being the one who helped me, had seen my hair, and I begged her not to tell Harry, or anyone else, for that matter.

I sat next to Hermione and Fred and I started eating, while everyone else just stared.

"Is anyone going to talk or is everyone just going to stare at me?" I asked impatiently.

"Hi, I'm Harry," Harry said.

"I know who you are. Idiot. Is everyone at this school so freaking dumb. You don't even know your own sister. And to think I give up everything just for you and now you don't even recognise me. Thanks, Harry, that's lovely of you!" I yelled at him. I was so glad I found something to yell at him about. I was running low on things to yell at him about.

"Sav, what the bloody hell did you do to your hair?" Harry asked.

"I dyed it because I was sick of looking like you. No offense, I just want to be my own person, you know?" I said.

"Um, sure, I guess," Harry replied.

"Really, you're not going to get mad at me for this? Thank you, thank you, thank you." I jumped up and gave Harry a hug.

"Um, yeah."

"Anyways, I would like to thank Hermione, Fred, and George for helping me do this. Without them, I would still be super boring," I said, giving each of them a hug.

"You of all people, should know, that you could never be boring," Hermione said.

"Thanks, 'Mione!" I gave her a hug.

A/N: Hermione is honestly the best.

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