My thoughts

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Chapter 19.

After a few minutes, I realised that Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George had left. Draco was looking at me intently.

"Sorry, my thoughts carry me away sometimes," I said.

"Why did you elbow me?" Draco asked.

"Because, Draco, you were being an arse," I replied.

"How was I being an arse?" he asked angrily.

"You kissed me! You told your father terrible things about Hermione, when in actual fact you don't even know her!" I shot.

"How was me kissing you bad? You kissed back!" he said, even more upset.

"Look, I don't know if you have noticed, but my brother and I aren't fighting so much. And I don't know if you care or not, but for me, that's a good thing, especially when you are forced to be stuck in the same room for a whole six weeks. Then there is that fact that I still like you, and if Harry finds out, I will be dead and so will you. Don't even say you can take him because you don't know the things he can do. And for another thing, just to add a bit of fun, your stupid perfect freaking hair and stupid freaking cloudy steel eyes and your stupid freaking lips are killing me and it is taking everything I have in me to not melt!" I shout.

He came forward and placed a hand on my face, then he leaned in and kissed me. I quickly pulled away.

"Did you not hear anything I just said?" I asked, punching his arm angrily.

I couldn't let this happen. Harry and I were in a good place right now. I don't want him to get angry at me again.

"Don't let Potter know then. He doesn't know, everything is fine." He leaned in again but I pushed him away.

"Draco, you are not listening! I can't do this. Us. It cannot happen," I said.

"Why don't you let me talk for a bit then?" he questioned.

"Fine, go ahead," I said.

"I still like you and it kills me that you won't be with me because of your brother. I don't think you should care what he thinks because if he doesn't like you because of me, well, then, that's his own fault. And if he doesn't want to be 'related' to you because of me then he's missing out on how amazing you truly are. You have the right to be with anyone you choose. And I would very much like it if he would just let you and I be together. He can still hate me as much as he wants but I don't want him to hate you. I think he would get over it sooner or later. So, I was thinking, maybe you and I could be together? Just secretly, so no one but us knows. So then we will be free to be happy and your brother won't even know. What do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?" Draco said.

"You know what, you are right, I shouldn't care what he thinks. It's none of his business who I like and he has no right to control me. I will keep it a secret and he won't find out." I kissed Draco firmly on the lips. "And our secrecy starts now."

"Come on, let's get the rest of our stuff." We walked out of Flourish and Blotts to get the rest of our school stuff. I grinned happily to myself. Draco and I were going to make this secret relationship work. At the end if the year, if Draco and I are still together, then I will tell Harry. If not, it will stay a secret that we dated.

"Draco, why do you like me?" I asked.

"Didn't I answer this last year?"

"No," I simply said.

"Well, your eyes. I really like them."

"But they are so boring and so much like Harry's," I said, confused at why he likes them.

"They are a lot nicer than Harry's, otherwise, I would be over with him, not you." He said.

"So you're gay for my brother?" I asked, laughing.

"No! I like you! It was an example, like if he was a girl and he had nicer eyes than you. But he doesn't have nicer eyes than you. No one does. And he isn't a girl," he said quickly.

"Jeez, I was kidding, calm down. But what exactly do you like about my eyes?" I asked.

"I just do. I like that your emerald eyes slowly change into jade around the edges, which blends in, making it ombré."

"Wow, that's descriptive. I was just expecting green eyes."

"You underestimate me," he said, trying to look hurt (and failing).

"No, I just wasn't expecting something so . . . romantic. I guess, that's all," I said honestly.

"Well, you'll see. Soon, you will think that I could never not be romantic."

"Sounds very . . . likely."

The Potter Twins (Draco and Harry's twin sister love story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें