Hair dye

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Chapter 11.

After getting into the kitchens and eating some ice cream, we were going to get revenge on Harry. Of course, this wouldn't make up for what he made me do, but it would still be a good sight to see.

"Hey, guys, I just remembered something. My class has to make the Hiccupping Potion for homework and we were all given the ingredients. I wonder if we could get Seamus to ask Harry for help and then he can make it blow up in Harry's face."

"Brilliant! This is going to be good. We will get Seamus, tell him to make the potion, and ask for Harry's help. Then Harry will have to say yes because the only person he says no to is you and Malfoy."

I shot them a glare for calling him Malfoy.

"Sorry. Draco," they said apologetically.

"Good, I will sit in the corner and watch the show." I smiled evilly.

The twins told Seamus to ask for help from Harry since he was very good at making the Hiccupping Potion. Our plan was in action. Seamus was getting ready to make his potion when Harry came into the common room. I sat in a corner so no one could see me. The plan was going to be perfect. Harry walked down from the boys dorms and sat down on the sofa.

"Hi, Harry, do you think you could help me with the Hiccupping Potion?" Seamus asked.

"Um . . . sure," Harry replied.

They started making the potion and before you could say Quidditch, the potion blew up--right in Harry's face. I couldn't stop myself from bursting out in laughter. I hadn't realised, but the Weasley twins were next to me cracking up. Harry looked at me dead in the eye and mouthed, "You want a war, so be it!"

"That was amazing. Thanks for cheering me up, guys!" I said to the Weasley twins.

"Anytime. Do you think next time we could prank Harry and Ron?" Fred asked.

"Of course! Your brother is way too hard not to prank and I am sure that you have pranked him before. But we won't get Hermione because Hermione is a really good friend," I answered.

"Okay, we will start planning tonight and then we will fill you in tomorrow. Would you like to accompany us to the Great Hall for dinner?" George questioned.

"It would be my pleasure." I linked my arms with them and walked to the Great Hall. As soon as we got there, I left to my table. I sat next to Draco in hopes he would talk to me.

"Hi, Draco," I said nervously.

He ignored me. Great, this is going well. I tried to get his attention by moving closer to him and trying to start up conversation. He moved away from me when I moved closer to him. Well, since I don't have any friends here, I will go sit with Fred and George.

"Hey, guys." I sat down in between them.

"Why aren't you with your Slytherin friends?" George asked.

"Draco is being a dick and ignoring me." I started saying. "Um guys, do you know where I can get some hair dye?" I asked.

"What do you want hair dye for?" they asked in unison.

"To dye my hair, what else?" I asked, annoyed.

"We will get you some. What colour do you want?" Fred asked.

"This isn't a prank right?"

They shook their heads.

"Fine, then I would like emerald green to go with my eyes and a turquoise shiny blue." I told them precisely what I wanted.

"Eat up and then we will go get you your hair dye," they answered. I grinned happily.

"Hey, Hermione, do you think I could borrow you for a few hours tonight?" I asked politely. I was nice to Hermione, unlike Ron because he was a complete idiot and he worshiped my brother too much.

"Sure, what do you want me for?" she asked.

I went over to her and whispered in her ear. There was no was I was letting my brother find out, not until tomorrow. She nodded her head and followed the me and the Weasley twins out.

A/N: What do you think Harry's reaction will be?

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