Well, do you like me?

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Chapter 9.

He what? He likes me? He has known me for, like, three days and he likes me?

"Y-you do?" I asked.

"I guess you could call it love at first sight." He grinned cheesily.

"That's cheesy," I said.

"So . . . ?"

I gave him a questioning look.

"Well, do you like me?"

"Well, I mean yes . . . but my brother."

"Since when has your brother ever affected your decisions?" Draco asked.

"Well, I mean, he hasn't, but still, he is my brother."

"He either accepts it or he doesn't, what he does isn't up to you and what you do isn't up to him."

"Okay, well, then does this make us something?" I asked.

"It does. I guess you playing hard to get was too hard for you when I am so irresistible."

"Don't get your hopes up, I can break it off at any minute," I threatened with a laugh.

"You are evil," he said.

"No, just honest. And I'm not afraid to say things like this, you know why? Because the guys like it." I smirked and continued walking before I was yanked back to Draco.

"I'm going to need my hand, you know."


"After what?" I asked.

"After this." He leaned in. My heart started racing. He was going to kiss me. "Next time," he whispered with a smirk. I watched him start walking away.

I guess I deserved that since I had been teasing him.

"Git!" I yelled.

"You deserved it!"

I ran after him.

"Why are you going to the Great Hall?" I asked.

"Because we didn't get lunch."

I took his hand and we walked into the Great Hall. Since school was over most people were in there talking with their friends. My eyes floated to the Gryffindor table.

"Is that your sister? With Malfoy?" a certain red-headed git said, walking past us with my brother.

"Yes, it is. And, Ron, I have a name. I'm not just his sister." I smiled.

"What are you doing with him?" Harry asked.

"We're friends, remember?" I said.

"Well, then, why are you holding hands?"

"Right, well. . . . "

"She's with me." Draco smirked.

"Sav, is this true?" Harry asked.

"And what if it is?"

"You can't be with him!" Harry said.

"Why not?" I asked, a calm mask over my anger.

"Because he is my enemy and so he should be yours too."

"When you decide to stop controlling my life, let me know, and then maybe we can talk," I said, folding my arms and walking away with Draco.

"Surprised you didn't butt in," I said, sitting down next to my new boyfriend.

"Well, it was a family thing."

"Really? Like that would stop you," I said.

"Fine, I didn't butt in because you had it under control, happy?"

"Very." I kissed his cheek and went to the common room.

A/N: So the next chapter skips a bit because I couldn't be bothered doing all the detail for it.

The Potter Twins (Draco and Harry's twin sister love story)Where stories live. Discover now