Dress shopping

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Chapter 42.

Draco was taking me to Hogsmeade, where I would meet up with Hermione, Lyra, and Electra. We were going to go buy dresses for the Yule Ball. Draco and I went to the Three Broomsticks to have a drink before we went to find the others.

Draco insisted on seeing me try on all the clothes, so I would let him see me in most of the dresses. I would save the best ones for only Hermione, Lyra, and Electra.

We went into Gladrags Wizardwear. Inside Hermione, Lyra, and Electra were waiting for me.

"Why is he here?" Hermione asked.

"He wouldn't leave me alone. Now, come on, we have dresses to try on." I looked around the shop and found a lot of dresses to try on.

I tried on a dark blue one first. It had a large slit up the side, which I knew Draco would especially like, but I wasn't so sure that it was the right one.

I came out wearing another dress. Draco started fanning himself with a piece of parchment. "Damn, it's hot in here."

"Draco, you're embarrassing me. Why do you do this every time I try on a new outfit?"

"I can't help it. It's so true. You look hot."

"How do you do it, Sav? He is such an arse when he isn't with you, but as soon as he is, he is like a love-sick puppy," Hermione commented.

"I know, right. He will could be beating up a first year and then you come along and he will drop everything to see you. You are honestly a miracle worker," Electra agreed.

I had one more dress to try on. I was pretty sure that this was the dress for me. Lyra had found a pale purple dress with silver diamonds as the corset. Hermione had a pinkish purple dress that honestly looked amazing on her. Electra had a dark blue tight dress. My dress was green with black lace as the corset and sleeves. It was amazing. I didn't show this to Draco. I wanted it to be a surprise.

"Sav, you look amazing!" Lyra exclaimed.

"Thank you. I think this is the one," I said.

I got out of the dress and put a spell on it to keep it covered and perfect. I walked out of the changing room.

"What took you so long?" Draco asked.

"I was getting out of the dress and helping the others," I explained.

"Okay. Do you have the dress you have chosen?" he asked.

"Yep." I smiled and walked to the counter to pay for the dress.

"Can I know which one you decided to get?" he inquired.

"Nope. I want it to be a complete surprise." I got out my money and was about to pay when Draco handed the lady some money.

"Draco, I will pay for it. It's my dress, I will do it."

"Sav, it's fine. Think of it as a gift for being so amazing," he said.

"Draco, me being amazing does not mean I need a gift. If it did, then I would be receiving gifts from you all the time. I don't mind paying for it," I answered truthfully.

"Sav, just let me pay for it, please. I want to pay for it, so can I?"

"Fine, but it's expensive. It is a lot of money."

"Sav, it's not an issue. I'm rich."

"Correction, your parents are rich. You just take money from them because you can and then you spend it and they don't care."

"True, but I'm still rich. I have my own vault at Gringotts filled with money. I use my parent's money because I am saving up my money for a good future with you. So, you can thank me later, after the wedding and the kids," Draco said.

I blushed furiously knowing that Draco was thinking about a future for us, and it included kids!

"But you don't like kids," I said.

"No, I like kids, just not all kids," he replied.

"Sav, just let him pay. We want to get our dresses too, y'know?" Lyra said.


Draco payed and we left.

We had decided to go to Honeydukes to get some sweets before going back to the castle.

After getting some sweets, we arrived back at Hogwarts. I was super tired and I could tell Draco was as well.

"Come, let's go to bed." I pulled his hand and went into his room. I quickly stripped from what I was wearing so I was just in my undergarments. I climbed under the cool sheets and fell asleep.

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