Heads of Hogwarts

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Chapter 51.

We apparated to King's Cross Station where we were to board Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. Sirius came in his animagus form, the big black dog, so it wouldn't look strange. He changed back to human form behind a door to a room.

Harry and I went to say goodbye to him. He talked to Harry privately first then I talked to him.

"Savannah, do you hate me?" he asked.

"Sirius, I could never hate you! I just don't like that you favour Harry over me because he reminds you of our parents more. And I don't like the fact that you and everyone else but Ron, Hermione, Fred,  George, and Ginny think I am evil or something just because I'm in Slytherin, but I'm not. I'm fighting the same cause you are. And just because I am dating Draco--"

"You're dating Draco Malfoy?!"

"Yeah, what of it?" I asked angrily.

"His father is a Death Eater. How come I didn't know?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you haven't spoken to me since Harry, Hermione, and I rescued you. I don't give a shit about what his father is. He isn't like his father, just because he is his father, that doesn't make Draco a Death Eater. And I'll have you know, even if he was, it wouldn't stop me from loving him. I think I am done with this conversation."
I started to walk out.

"I'm fine with you being with him. If you are confident that he isn't a Death Eater, then I am too. I'm sorry, Savannah, for making you feel this way. I don't mean to. My brother was put in Slytherin, he became a Death Eater, but he changed his ways. Voldemort got to him and killed him," Sirius said.

"Thank you. I should have just told you. I will miss you. You better talk to me this year." I gave Sirius a hug and went onto the Platform.

I looked around to see platinum-blond hair. I ran over to see Draco. I quickly hugged him and gave him a kiss.

"I missed you too." He smirked.
Someone cleared their throat. I looked up to see Narcissa and Lucius. Dammit, I wish I saw them, otherwise I wouldn't have done this.

"Savannah, nice to see you again. We must go shopping together sometime," Narcissa said.
"I would love that." I smiled.
"Savannah, will you please remove yourself from my son." Lucius glared at me.

"Oh, Lucius, leave them. Remember when we were like that?" Narcissa asked.

A small smirk appeared on his face before returning to his cold stature. "See you in the holiday, Draco. Be good at school."

"Goodbye, Draco. Savannah, keep him out of trouble." She left with Lucius.

"I wish I had seen them before I kissed you," I said.

"I'm glad you didn't, the look on my father's face was hilarious." Draco smiled.

"Now, where were we?" I placed my lips back on his.

His hands ran up and down my sides stopping at the top. I smacked his hands back down.

"Hey, what was that for?" he asked.

"Not here, we are in public."
He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't be a dork."

"Malfoy! Detach yourself from my sister this instance!" Harry yelled.

"Oh, mind your own business, Potter. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get to a meeting." Draco smirked.

"Oh, me too, I've got to get to a meeting. See you, Harry." I took Draco's hand and started walking to the train.

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