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Chapter 50.

Harry and I were sitting on the swings. It was getting a bit dark and I had decided it would be best if we were to go soon. Of course, Dudley had to come along with his friends. I hate them all because they picked on Harry then hit on me.

I wasn't really listening to their conversation. All I heard was something about Cedric, screaming, and sticks. I was pretty confused.

"Hey, Savannah, want to come my place and hit it with me?" one if the boys asked.

"Absolutely not! I have a boyfriend! Don't even speak to me!" I snapped.

"If you have a boyfriend, where is your proof?" another boy asked.

I kept a photo of Draco with me all the time. I also still had hickeys on my neck from him.

I showed them the photo.

"That's just a photo, not proof. That could be anyone," the same boy said.

"Well, then, care to tell me how these hickeys got here?" I asked.

"When you break up, let me know," he said.

"There will be no breaking up. I love him and he loves me. And we have been together for three years fully. Four years all together."

Suddenly, it got really dark and everyone started to run away, scared of what could happen. Dudley, Harry, and I ran towards a tunnel. There were lights in the tunnels, to I could see when the black Dementors came. Despite that, I had known they were here before I saw them because it suddenly got really cold and it seemed that there was no happiness left.

There were only two Dementors, which was lucky. One if them was sucking out the happy memories from Harry and the other one, Dudley. Harry and I cast our patronus. Harry and I fought off the dementors, then picked up Dudley and took him home. Mrs Figg, our old-lady-neighbour, came out of nowhere and saw us.

"Don't worry, Dumbledore sent me to keep an eye on you," she said.

"You know Dumbledore?" Harry asked.

"Yes, now, come on, you have to get him home before it's light again." She walked with us the whole way back.

As soon as we walked in the door, we put him on the couch. Petunia was really worried and called for Vernon. Vernon took one look at him then looked at us expectantly.

"Who did this to you, m'boy?" Vernon asked Dudley.

Dudley pointed to us like the vermin he is.

Two letters floated into the house. One came to me and the other came to Harry.

We opened the letters to find out we had been expelled from Hogwarts for using magic outside of school underage.

"Ha! You're never going back to that school ever again. Now, Dudley, let's get you to the hospital." They locked the door behind them and took Dudley away.

There was a knock on the door a few minutes later. Harry and I opened the door to see Nymphadora Tonks, Mad-Eye Moody, and Kingsley Shacklebolt. They escorted us to Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place. When we arrived, there was a meeting going on. Mrs Weasley came out to us and I caught a glimpse of Sirius. She quickly closed the door on us and ushered us upstairs. We went into a room that was for us to share. The door swung open and Ron ran at me and gave me a hug.

"Jeez, Ronald. Trying to kill me are you, well, it's not going to work. Several have tried, none have succeeded," I laughed.

"I'm just happy to see you and to know you're not dead," he said.

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