I am no sidekick

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Chapter 15.

"I will be right back. I just have to go talk to some of my friends."

"Okay, I will save you a spot next to me," he said, taking a seat at the slytherin table.

"Hermione! Ron!" I ran up to them.

"Sav, you're alright!"

"So are you!"

"I think this is the start of a very good friendship," he tells me.

"Guys, I'm here too!" Hermione said.

"Right. Hi, 'Mione. How are you?" I inquired.

"I'm fine, is Harry awake?" she asked.

"Yes, he was talking to Professor Dumbledore. You can go see him now. I have to catch up with a few people."

"Sav, you're safe. And your hair still looks perfect," Fred said.

"Thank you, Fred, where is George?" I asked.

"Behind you." George put a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see him.

"I'm glad you're okay, Sav. Who knows what we would do without our trusty sidekick?" George said.

For that, he earned a kick. "I am no sidekick. I am an accomplice. Partner. Something. Just not a sidekick."

"Alright. You can be our partner," Fred said.

"Good, now I have to get back to Draco. He's talking to me again."

"With his lips? On your lips?" George questioned.

"Git. Him and I are only friends. I do admit that I still like him and hopefully he still likes me. Then, maybe, we can date again, once we are a bit older and Harry decides to stop controlling others."

"Well, I hope everything goes okay for you!" Fred said.

"Thanks, Fred. Bye, you two, see you later." I walked back to the Slytherin table and sit down next to Draco.

"Took you long enough. I mean we don't speak for months, you nearly die, and then you spend thirty hours talking to other people."

"Jealous, Draco?" I asked playfully.

"No, I just missed you, that's all." Draco gave me a hug.

"I missed you too."

Harry came into the Great Hall and sat down at the Gryffindor table. Once everyone was seated Professor Dumbledore announced the House Cup winners. Slytherin won but then Dumbledore had some last minute points to award.

"To Miss Hermione Granger, for using intellect, I award fifty points. To Mister Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in a very long time, I award fifty points. To Miss Savannah Potter, for being brave and courageous in the face of danger, I award sixty points. To Mister Harry Potter, for being brave, I award sixty points. And lastly, to Mister Neville longbottom, it takes a lot of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends. For that, I award him ten points. If my calculations are correct, Gryffindor has won the House cup." He clapped his hands and the flags turned into the Gryffindor ones.

"We should have won," Draco said sourly.

"Agreed, but there is always next year--and the years after that."

We are the feast slowly, sad that we would have to wait three months before coming back.

We all got our luggage and piled it into the train to Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters. I sat with Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and Pansy in a cabin. We chatted happily the whole ride.

Quickly, we arrived into the platform and we got out of the train. I grabbed my stuff.

"Bye, Draco, see you next year." I gave him a hug.

"See you, Savannah. Send me a letter if you need me. Send me a letter if you don't need me as well," he said, walking off to his parents.

I said my goodbyes to my friends before Harry and I caught up and walked out into the Muggle world. I couldn't wait for next year already. Being at home was not fun. Not with Dudley being so evil and mean all the time. But I have something they don't, and I can threaten them with that.

End of Year 1.

A/N: Hope you liked first year. can't wait to upload the rest of the years. I will be doing it in bits at a time as it comes down to how quickly I write the chapters and how quickly they are edited. :)

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