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"May I?"

A breath I held close escapes my mouth, "y-yes."

"Thank you, my love, you can tell me to stop if it gets too much okay? Breathe, I will be as gentle as I can be."

"O-okay." I try to smile as his hands cup my face, kissing the top of my head before moving his hand to hold mine and his lips on my neck.

The stretching and piercing of my skin, I try to scream but I can't even make a sound. He tries to reassure me with his hands but the burning pain and dizziness..."Hi-"

. . .

My eyes and body alike become instantly alert, jolting up out of my resting state, and sitting up.
The tank top I wore to sleep is soaked in sweat and so is my face. My breathing is just as erratic, unsure of why that dream keeps occurring.

This odd dream, it's getting to me now. Just as I go to find out the name, my brain made up for mystery man it cuts to black. I feel like I'm on the edge of danger every time I fall asleep now. Sure there are different ways it plays out, yet the ending is always me dying.

5:00 AM
I look over at my alarm clock. I guess I'll get up now, might as well. I go and take a quick shower, get ready for work, and make myself breakfast. After eating and getting everything ready to go.

6:30 AM
It's only 6:30?! God this blows! I turn on the TV. "Breaking News: Six more hunters have been murdered. The police have no suspects yet but believe Hisoka Morrow, the blood-thirsty magician may be behind this."

A shiver like no other doesn't crawl but sprint down my shoulders and spine as I watch the news. Bad news like this usually doesn't bother, but the magician certainly did!

"I know I should have stopped getting cable!" I murmur to myself, going to find something on YouTube. I scroll and scroll through multiple apps but that anxiety is still lingering on my skin.

"I'll just go into work early," I mumble getting my stuff and turning off the lights. I walk to the car and make my way to get some coffee, the usual routine.

6:45 AM
The door's bell shakes gently as I open the door to the shop. This cold feeling of my fight or flight sense runs through me as I keep going in, it feels worse."Hey! It's quite early for you to be here- you got a meeting or something?" The barista, which I've become friends with at this point, greets me.

"Oh, no I just gotta get some last-minute stuff done! Uh, the usual please." He nods and I got to get my wallet but he stops me.

"On the house. But I must ask, are you feeling alright? You look exhausted. "

"Y-yeah I just didn't get much sleep that's all."

"Yeah, I'm surprised you got any with the latest news." His voice lowers to a whisper as he moves over an edge of the counter, "Hisoka the magician is in town, everyone's on edge. He doesn't give out motives often so people are scared they're next. I think he's going after a specific thing, the common person doesn't have that."

I listen to him as intently as possible, this man Hisoka, the photo on the news, and just his name. Something is up. My friend turns around and finishes your coffee as I get stuck in my head. "Well anyway, here you are!"

"Oh, thank you!" You grab the cup snapping into reality once more. 'Welcome back to earth Y/N!' My consciousness scoffs at me. A ding of the bell is heard and you slowly turn to see...

𝐀𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now