🤍𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐢𝐧🪐

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The sense of your security striped away, I would never wish on even my enemies. His eyes staring into me made my stomach drop. The urge to run-

Maybe starting at the beginning will help you understand how I got myself in the situation in the first place...

I live in the middle of nowhere. A small town is a few minutes away where I have a tea shop. But other than that, it's a very quiet life.

I look up at the clock to see It's arms pointing to the 10 and 6 with perfect precision. I sigh in content, I blow out the candle by the love seat I was reading in for hours, and make my way to bed.

An ordinary night for me...

I change into a nightgown and lift the sheets, ready to relax my mind and body. Before I could have that luxury, the sound of a creaking door from outside my room startled me out of my semi-conscious state.

I locked the front door...there's no way. Even if it was, it was probably just the wind or an animal trying to get in- it is the woods after all.

I close my eyes once more; that is til a click-clack sound makes its way in my living room. My eyes widen and I make my way to see if it's just my imagination or not.

The moonlight shows a new ombré glossiness to the floor that resembles a certain print- a high heel. Sweat lightly dampens my forehead as I try to keep myself calm.

Just one problem: I have nothing to protect myself.

I look up to see a figure slightly in view. Its golden eyes staring into my soul, keeping in place. "So someone does live here? Interesting." I stood frozen in fear of the tall man. "You see, I assumed this house was abandoned since it's in the middle of the woods. But I was mistaken.◇" He continued and begins walking towards me, still staring, yet less predatory as before.

Someone breaking into my home was my worst fear- that's why I chose this place.

"The name's Hisoka, and as you may have guessed from the blood on the floor, I've been injured. I came here to get some shelter before I made my way back into the city. I couldn't go into back to work looking like this, though I don't mind.♡︎"

The urge to vomit grew more and more as I thought of the blood on the floor. Who the fuck is this man?

"Any questions?♡︎" He towered over me.

I nodded my head gulped, backing up only for him to follow. I pointed to the couch and he silently did as he was nonverbally told to do.

I've never felt so powerless- it almost hurts.

I turned, making my way to get the first aid kit, thinking that I can do a little bit of damage control.
I light a candle to see my way back to see blood everywhere. The red liquid drowning my feet.

"What's the matter dear? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Hisoka says mockingly as I bring the light and aid to his side. "Don't tell me this is scaring you. I assure you it's not as bad as it looks, well for me anyways.♡︎"

I stopped. "W-what do you mean by that?"

"Oh, so you're not mute! It would be shame if you were, I'd never get to hear that lovely voice~" I shot a tired and unimpressed look. He sighs, taking off his shirt. "To answer your question, most of this blood on my clothes isn't mine.◇" The ginger pinches his shirt as if he finds it disgusting, but anyone who felt his presence knew that wasn't true.

It was more of a bloodied rag than a shirt, heavy from moisture and off-putting to the touch. I had to learn how to stomach the feeling fast as I held it in my hands. "What? You never touched a bloodied shirt before?♡︎" He condescendingly asks.

"I can't say I have." I turn away and walk to the kitchen, I call out to him. "If you want you can-"

Why does he feel the need to follow and tower over me? What is he trying to pull-

"Use ice cold water and do it like this." His whole demeanor changes as he holds my hands, showing me how to clean up the massacre for clothing. "There is no reason to be scared when I get close. I won't hurt you, 'k?♡︎"

What's with the sudden change of heart?

"Before you ask, I've realized you're not an imposter. In the business I'm in, it can be hard to tell who's 'normal' and who's going to try to kill you, understand?" I nod a simple yes as he looks down at me. "So with that in mind, I tried to intimidate you. And when you showed that you really didn't know or tolerated the look of me, I knew. So I apologize for my rudeness.◇"

Well that was a lot more than I was expecting...

"It's alright." I look up at the man hovering over me, this time without malice.

"Should we let this soak while I tend to your wounds?"

A/N: ik this is not spectacular or anything but i wanted to post so here u go!

life has been...kicking. my. ass. & i feel even worse now bc i have no motivation to do much of anything besides ??? so sorry

i've been on instagram more than anywhere else so make sure you check it out! (if you don't want to support anywhere else that's alright i still appreciate u reading here just as much!)

𝐀𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now