🤍𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖆𝖙 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖘𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙🪐

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*slight yandere tendencies...it is nothing bad but a warning never hurt anyone right?*


It was around nine at night. Y/n was the only one in the small shop.

"30 til close" you sighed pushing your hair out of your face with the back of your hand. Resting your hand back down on your broom, going back to cleaning but you were stopped by the TV. You look up to watch what interrupted your video.

"BREAKING NEWS! There has been another break-in on 2nd street. Usually going for smaller shops, these bandits are getting even more aggressive, one young female body found. Police believe it could be copy cats of the infamous Phantom Troupe. Back to you Jess-", you shut it off mid-sentence, honestly sick of the daily bullshit.

You lean the broom on the wooden island, walking away from it to play some music on your phone that was charging across the room. You go to pick up the phone off the chair it was laying on and hit shuffle when a sudden sound filled your ears. After a slight scare, you look around to see nothing out of the ordinary.

"I must be finally losing it huh?" you sarcastically chuckle to yourself, annoyed. The music filling the stiff silence makes you feel better. You make your way back to your broom going to get back to work. Suddenly thunder like no other cries through the room and the light spreading its warm tones around the light brown shelved area flickers. You look up instantly, starting to feel a bit uneasy now.

"Whatever." You scoff trying to shake this feeling creeping its ghostly hands on your shoulder...like something's with you...or watching you...but there couldn't be. You were alone. You look up at the clock.

9:25 pm.

'Only five more minutes then you go home' you're mentally reassuring yourself as you do some final touches on cleaning. Five minutes later you were already out in the cold city. You start feeling the weight again...you rush to get home. Hastily, you made your way up the flights of stairs to your studio apartment. You shut the door as quickly as you opened up. You take a minute to catch your breath with your head on the door. finally feeling some security you back away from the door and go to turn your body...

"You let your guard down too soon."

You didn't even hear, see, hell, you didn't even pick up the scent of something else in your home but there they were...right behind you. You couldn't scream; half of your face was covered by a cold pale hand. their grip was not harsh, if you weren't waiting for a signal or seeing your life flash before your (e/c) eyes, you could've easily been able to get it off you.

Feeling a muscular torso against your back, the soft breathing of the person behind you...

'Are they not nervous about being caught?' you thought, getting the gall to look up. You take in as much as you can. 'Short brown straight hair. An olive green bandanna or thin scarf around their head. White casual button-up that meets their forearm midway. Oh, and their forearm and hands are quite pale and veiny so they are quite strong.' Listing everything you can in your head not realizing the person behind you is not speaking, they are waiting for you. slowly the person brought their hand away from the gentle features of your face.

Shifting their right wrist closer to your neck their index and middle gliding almost too gingerly up to your ear. They took a strand of hair and directed it behind your ear to say, "you're quite calm, all things considered. but you know..." A soft but deep voice whispered against you. Your breath hitched hearing the, at least assumed, the male finally speak to you. "You should trust your gut. you felt scared, saw the news, all things pointed to something about to happen and yet you ignored it all, why?" His voice wasn't laced with anything but curiosity.

You felt your heart and stomach fall as your eyes widened to the point they start to slightly spasm.

"H-have you...b-been watching me? W-why," You stop for a moment trying to calm down and form the words more confidently. "What do you want from me?"

"I asked you something first but if you must know, I want you." You shift your eyes to the right finally seeing a glimpse of his face. "Dropped dead scared to a face of anger hmm? Interesting." He continued as he took another strand of hair and twirled it around his thin finger.

"Why would you wan-" Your back starts to feel a sense of loss, even though his chest was only faintly against it, the warmth was there before was missing. You didn't even see him move, but you finally see his whole body in front of you. He backs away near the door and visibly smiles seeing your expression changed to awe and back to a resentful confusion inhumanly fast. You walk towards him "I don't think I'll need to ask another question after this." A blade you hid in your black coat poked gently at his abs. He looked down just to look back at your face with a smirk. "What the hell do you want?" You add pressure on the blade and see some blood drip down, just to get even more upset when you look up to see his expression doesn't show any sign of pain.

"I said what I wanted, didn't I?" He grinned like a fool.

'He thinks this is funny?!' Your face contorted to pure rage as you looked at him. "Listen, I don't get what a sadist needs from a college student trying to just get by but I do not have the patience for this. So tell me specifics or I will kill you."

He laughs lightly feeling quite nonchalant about the position he's in. "You've never killed someone, I know that for a fact. trust me, I am an expert in the craft...so." he stops abruptly holding the blade with ease.

'What the hell is with this guy?!' You scream in your head seeing his hands hold on the blade as if it was nothing to him.

"I didn't know how to get your attention to be completely honest with you. I know you will probably say no but..." He fully grabs the knife from your hands just spin it like a toy before placing it in his back pocket. He moves closer seeing you in shock and now, off guard. Cupping your small face into his hands and pulling it to look at his face again, he proposes "I would like you to give me a chance. You see, I'm not used to feeling attracted to anyone, but it has seemed like my everyday life has changed since I first saw you at the bookstore. It's called love at first sight, right? I've read in novels and heard it from people talking, well I didn't believe it until a saw your smile, y/n. Please I know this abrupt and creepy but would you at least give me a chance?"

'So heavenly his face...his voice is. He is effortlessly gorgeous...has all your rationale been tossed away? You don't even know this man's name!' Your mind is debating among itself as he stays patiently holding your face with a faint smile.

He stopped your mind racing. "Oh! My name is Chrollo Lucilfer by the way." He laughed nervously, realizing he forgot a vital detail. You couldn't respond, feeling in a trance, hypnotized, as you stare into his eyes. All that you can question, or think about was, why did you want to say yes?

𝐀𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now