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"Hisoka Morrow has struck fear in even the strongest opposition; though, the infamous magician does not show reciprocated feelings. The man is a paradox of sorts, showing intentions clear as day only to not even show at matches or the potential he wishes for himself. My question for this essay is quite a simple one to ask, but a difficult one to answer: why? "

I sigh as I read my thesis back once more. There is no way in hell I can figure this out just by watching his fights, but he doesn't do interviews often- or at all, for that matter. I've scraped the bowl of any information I can find on Morrow's background, why he fights, etc. Nothing. Not even a parental figure!

This is harder than I thought it was going to be.

I suppose the only thing to do now is...go to the primary source, Hisoka himself.

. . .

I called a few people and actually got in contact with someone who gave me Hisoka's info- I've been staring at the date scheduled for five minutes now- it's tomorrow.

It's not that big of a deal, what is the worst that can happen?  Besides it's better not to make expectations and assumptions of a stranger, he could be a sweetheart for all I know. A sweatdrop slides down my temple as I plan out an outfit and look at the clock.

11:23 PM

"Here goes nothing."

. . .

I try to make a mental script as I take the elevator to his place. I hear the ding of the elevator and inhale to calm my nerves. A strange aura surrounds the floor, the blood-hungry looks I keep getting isn't helping the queasiness I'm feeling. I try my best to ignore it until I get to his door.

Before I can knock on it, his door opens.

"Hello, dear." Hisoka wasn't wearing his usual attire as he opened the door- not even in a shirt was covering his form. "It's August, right?"

"Y-yes, that's me!" I stress smile, cringing from the sound of my fake voice in the process.

"Come in~" I did as I was told, looking around at the almost unsettling cleanliness in the living room we ended up in.

"So, is this where you live full time?"

A light chuckle left him as he closed the door and walked behind me. As he walked into a different room, he responded. "No, people like me tend to not have permanent places to stay." He came back into the room with a white button shirt. "Do you want some wine?"

"Uh sure..." I look over and watch him pour two large glasses of red wine. "You don't mind if I record this interview, right?"

"No, though I'm telling you right now. You are not getting every question answered." The nice and playful disposition he had before vanishes.

"I understand. I won't push you to respond to anything you don't feel comfortable doing so." The magician sets down my glass beside me as he sits across from me. "So Mr. Morrow, I will start with asking about your home life. How would you describe your parents?"

I can't tell if he was upset, but a look I can't recognize was placed on his face and a laugh erupts from him. "I don't have a father. And my mother left me when I was very young."

I clear my throat. "I'm sorry to hear that. What did you do once you were alone?"

"I went into a circus. They died or left, and eventually, so did I."

𝐀𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now