Crying is for the weak

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-----Time skip 2 weeks later----


"Bye Becca ill see you Monday."

"Bye Y/n!" We waved at each other once more before separating and parting ways. I walked down a couple of blocks before hitting the abandoned building that our portkey was in. I crackled through the broken window and dropped down onto the floor that let out a cloud of dust. *cough* I coughed and waved my hands to clear the dust from view. 

"Jinx? Hazel?"

"Yes Miss Jinx is here." I wrapped around the corner to find a very covered house-elf, They had a scarf, jacket, hat, and some large boots that were not made for them. "Uhm, why are you dressed like that Jinx? It's the middle of May. " 

"Because Jinx didn't want to be seen by muggle folk."

"Jinx was in the very back of an abandoned shack, no one comes to these."


"Yes? Did you think someone lived here?" Jinx's barely visible face turned scarlet red. 

"I-I just thought they had a very w-weird taste."

"Oh Jinx, come on let's go home." I let out a slight chuckle as we touched a hidden box inside an empty crate. The room spun around us and we dropped into the foyer. 'HAZELL IM HOMMEEE." I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple, but before I could take a bite it was exploded in front of my face. I wiped off the apple guts and looked over at the door, where hazel stood with her hand out. "Um, what the heck."

"Hazel is to teach you a new training system."

"Uh okay? but why did you blow up my apple? I'm hungry."

"Hazel knows."

"SO why did you blow up my apple." I was starting to get a little frustrated. 

"Because you eat too much, you have belly pooch and fatty arms and legs." I stood there mouth open and eyes wide, she has to be joking. 

"This is a joke right?"

"No you will be learning how to fight, but Miss Y/N must get in shape." I looked down at my stomach and rubbed it with my hands.

"But I like my pooch." I gave her a fake pouty face hoping she would change her mind. 

"No exceptions miss. Now go upstairs and get ready, meet me outside in 10 minutes, NO FOOD! or I will tell Sir Dumbledore."

"UGHHHH FINE" I trudged upstairs and put on a pair of shorts and an old t-shirt, tied my hair up in a high ponytail, and slipped on some tennis shoes. I walked outside and hazel had set up 3 hay men just like uncle albus had at school 2 weeks ago, except these were next to each other in a sideways line."

"Good your ready, now Hazel is to help you through a 30-minute workout before training. Now go run to the end of the field and back 3 times." I stood at the beginning of the field and took off running, it wasn't long before Bear had come outside and started running with me. I ran to the end and back, then again, and then once more. Once I got back I dropped to the ground breathing heavily. "Get up miss Y/N, that is only the warm-up." I jolted my head up,


"Yes, now up-up, here we go." She handed me a list of exercises, I started with 20 jumping jacks and then 15 high knees, I glanced back at the list and started doing one of the 20 squats. Once I finished that I laid on the ground and started doing crunches, "MY ABS HURTTTTT" 

"KEEP GOING, 10 MORE." I pushed through rolling over on my stomach groaning in pain. "Hazel can you bring me a water pleaseeeee."

"Yes Miss, she ran inside coming out moments after with a water bottle. I gratefully took it and chugged 5 gulps down before she took it from my grasps, "You're going to get sick if you drink too much, now,.." She looked at the list and then back at me, "10 pushups"  I got down on my knees and hands "NO MISS. Real pushups." 

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