The Summer Before it all changed

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----Time Skip 7 months ;)---


"Wait so let me get this straight- YOU let a 12-year-old defeat Voldemort AGAIN, oh and you ALSO let him kill a GIANT SNAKE that was in my head?"



"No, those three are going to be heroes."

"THIS ISNT FAIR!" I threw a pillow across the room.

"What isn't?"

"HOW COME THEY GET TO KILL PEOPLE AND SNAKES AND FIND POSSESSED LITTLE GIRLS, BUT I-I-I-I-I ONLY GET TO WRITE 10 PAGE ESSAYS." He laughed at me as I picked up the pillow off the floor and shoved it on my face. "wait-" My muffled voice managed to break through the pillow. 


"Pardon?" I took the pillow off my face and glared at uncle Albus who had a smile on his face. 

"Why did you hire such an idiot of a teacher, I could've taught better than him for merlin's sake." 

"Well To be honest there is no excuse except we needed a teacher considering our last one was burned to ashes by the hands of an eleven-year-old." My mouth bubbled as I contained my laughter but it was no use, I cackled at the top of my lungs.

"I-I am s-so sorry, I-I know it's not that funny but like- PFFFTTTT" Uncle Albus shot me with his wand and a spark hit my legs, "OW" 

"SIR SIR LOOK AT THE PAPER!!" Hazel ran into the room with the newspaper opened to the front page. Uncle Albus sat up and grabbed the paper from her. 

"Dear God.."

"What?! What's wrong!!?" I sat up and peered over his shoulder... I scanned the paper until I saw a man dressed in Azkaban uniform flailing all of the front pages. big bold words were written across the front page. 'Sirius Black Escapes from Azkaban!'


"H-how did he do that?"

"I don't know but Hogwarts is in danger. More especially Harry Potter. We are going to need our defenses up. We don't have that much staff though." without thinking I blurted out... 

"I can help!"

"You will do no such thing!"

"WHY NOT?! You know I'm just as good as any guard of yours!"

"Y/N-" There was a crack and Professor McGonagall hopped through the fire.


"Hello dear. Albus have you seen the paper." 

"Yes. I have." 

"We need you to return to the castle this moment, there's a staff meeting. School will be starting soon. We need a plan"

"Very well. Y/N I will return."

"Fine. But please just; think about it." I was desperate. I wanted this, I needed this. I just started my senior year but I can make adjustments and come back next year, anything, ill do anything. 

He huffed, "Fine." and with that, they apparated back to the castle. I threw myself onto the couch with a sigh and started examining the man on the cover of the newspaper Uncle Albus had left.


At the castle:

All the teachers gathered together at a round table placed in dumbledores office.

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