Grief is a disguised weapon.

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Emily POV:

 "I love you too Emily." I gave him a small smile and walked down the street. I turned around looking back at him. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then I ran, I ran as fast as I could.

 I made it to a bus station and got dropped off a couple of miles away from home. It had taken me 10 hours to get to where I was. My nose was red from the cold, my fingers almost numb. I walked home now, I had time to spare. As I walked I couldn't help but cry, my life would never be the same and to be honest, that scared me. I had no idea what shape the house would be in, usually when Tom's drunk he makes a mess and considering the state he was in when he left. I don't even want to think about it. 

I finally made it to our driveway, only one light was one. It was in the study. I gulped down all the fear that had built up inside me and walked to the door.

 It was unlocked.

 I opened the door quietly and closed it behind me. 'Where is he' I snapped out of my head by a creak in the floor, I looked at the doorway to the study, and there he stood. His black button-up shirt was loosely buttoned leaving the top 3 buttons opened, a bottle of fire whiskey in one hand, and a cigar in the other. He took one last puff before putting it out. What happened to him was all my mind is thinking. He walked from the doorframe and sat on a couch, I don't know what was wrong with me, I just stood there frozen. 

"Well, are you going to stand there or come sit down?" He snapped. I quickly walked over and sat down on the couch across from him. He sat there staring at me then 

"Is it done?" 'IT?' I was overly outraged how he called our daughter it, not ' is she safe' or ' we did this for her' nothing just ' is it done' I scoffed.

" Yes ITS done," I emphasized the IT part. But then I realized I made a mistake. He stood up and threw the fire whiskey, then in the blink of an eye, he was towering over me with his hand around my throat. Not too harshly that it cut off my airway just enough for his rings to leave imprints on my skin.

 "W-what did you say to me" he growled, His breath reeked of alcohol. 

"N-nothing" I stuttered 

" That's what I thought" He pushed me down on the couch and kissed me roughly, I tried my best to resist but every time I did his grip tightened. His tongue brushed my lip wanting access but I declined. He moved his hand to my waist and squeezed hard. I gasped and he took this opportunity to slip his tongue in. He threw off his shirt and lifted me, never breaking the kiss. He brought us into the bedroom and pushed me against the wall. He pulled my hair and attacked my neck with his kiss.  He explored every part of me that night. I hated it but at the same time, it was the only thing keeping me from thinking of Y/N and breaking down.

 I woke up the next morning feeling sick, I ran to the bathroom and threw up, I brushed my teeth, took a shower,  got dressed, and made breakfast. Tom was still asleep at 1 pm so I figured I should wake him up even though he was going to have a massive hangover. I walked upstairs with coffee, hoping it'll help distract him from me.

 "Baby, babe wake up." I rubbed his shoulder lightly. His eyes fluttered open as he rolled onto his back and yawned. 

"Oh god, I feel like I got hit by a bus." I let out a small chuckle. 

"I know, here" I handed him his coffee, which he didn't hesitate to take, and sat down at the bottom of the bed. 

"No no, come here" He shuffled over and patted the bed next to him, I smiled and slid under the covers next to him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and placed little kisses on my head I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I can't understand him, one day he'll be a complete prick but the next he's like a teddy bear. I don't say anything because I know how hard being in charge is for him. 

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