I'm gonna need that Scuba Gear

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I stared at the paper in disbelief. 

"This can't be real?" Hagrid wiped his face with a handkerchief while McGonagall and Uncle Albus paced the hut. 

"Im afraid it is Y/n." 

I crumpled up the paper and chunked it in the fire. "Who does she think she is! If I ever see her again I'm gonna-"

"That's quite enough Y/n, you'll only upset Hagrid more." 

"No, it's all 'right. I shoulda known talkin' to her." Hagrid took a large sip of his drink, I followed suit. 

"The safest thing to do is to put you on temporary probation." McGonagall sat down at the table and intertwined her fingers. 

"Can't you just deny the article? I mean a bad bite off a flobberworm?! They haven't even got teeth!!" I downed the rest of my drink- the burning sensation only fueling my anger.

"If we don't show that we have done something then the ministry could get involved and postpone the tournament." 

"That's what you're worried about right now? The tournament? This god-awful woman is framing Hagrid and making everyone believe he's a monster!" 

"The tournament is an honor around the world- having it postponed at Hogwarts would be a historic disaster- you would do good to remember that." 

"You brought me here for my honest opinion. And I'm telling you this is a load of crap!" 

"Language Y/n." McGonagall's voice was soft but the way she downed her drink told me everything I needed to know. 

"I'm sorry- I just. You don't deserve this Hagrid." 

"Thank yer Y/n. Thank yer." 

I smiled at him, trying my best to reassure him. Uncle Albus sighed before speaking his final verdict. 

"Hagrid you will stay on the ground as gamekeeper. But as for teaching- I will have to put Professor Grubbly-Plank in for you." 

I bit the inside of my cheek and shook my head. If  I ever see Rita again, I am going to tear that quill of hers into hundreds of microscopic pieces. And then light them on fire.

"Im sorry Hagrid- but this is out of my hand." I bit back a retort as Uncle Albus rubbed Hagrids large arm. 

"Y/n why don't you go back to your dorm- try to get some sleep before the sun rises." This time it was McGonagall's hand that was on my arm. I nodded and left the shack without another word. I trudged up the grounds and into the school. Goosebumps all over my legs and arms from cool weather. 

I slammed the door shut behind me and walked into my dorm. I locked the door, tossed off my shoes, then threw myself into my bed. I rolled myself in my blankets capturing the warmth of them. Bear jumped onto my bed and laid his back against mine, supplying even more heat. 

I laid there staring at the wall, the words she wrote made my stomach churn and my skin boil. And then Draco...Draco. I bolted upright and threw the covers off, startling Bear. I stormed across the room and ripped open that connected the two of our rooms. 


Draco shot up and almost fell off of his bed. 




"No GET YOUR ARSE UP AND ANSWER ME! What did Hagrid EVER do to you?! Are you still being sour that about that hippogriff- because if I remember correctly- I PREVENTED THAT FROM ACTUALLY HURTING YOU!" 

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